Saturday, May 08, 2004

The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made.
Jean Giraudoux

Peter's principles
The budget is not Peter Costello's bottom line. Here's a man with a surprisingly radical vision for Australia. It is an exquisite irony that the better Costello is as Treasurer, the more firmly he entrenches Howard in the job that Costello covets above all else. And the question of how and when he might succeed Howard remains awkwardly unresolved as the Government looks to the polls.
· Exquisite Political Ironies
· Punchbowl Brawlers: John Brogden has ordered an inquiry into a punch-up at a Liberal Party branch meeting
· See Also Money and power: how the ReserveBank got it all [via Official: housing bubble has lost its hot air]
· See Also We know the test of our humanity is not overcoming the power of others, but how we treat those who have none
· See Also Business News