Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Elections Political front line

Elections are expensive, but apolitical public servants are priceless. Pauline Hanson confirmed today that she will run for the NSW Upper House.
Best show in town might be coming to you David v Polianna. Some liberal voters aren't demanding Carr's departure. They want him right where he is so that they can tar all unions and the entire Labour Party with his image in order to win the next Federal election.

· Sisterhood in the brotherly City of David [SMH]
· Politisations of Public Service
During the 2001 Federal election On Line Opinion picked up a lot of things that the mainstream media missed, thanks to our online research project. We're running another one for the NSW state election and need your help.
To participate in this project simply fill out the questionnaire at our new elections site ozelections. Once you've done that you will have the opportunity to participate in online discussions, focus groups and chat rooms.
In 2003 we are celebrating our sixth successful year as the biggest reading initiative in the UK and Ireland, and we have some great new activities to announce as well as continuing many of our established and successful elements.