Missed by that much
Mushroom poisonings are up in France - and it’s all due to the weather
Yarra & Praha
The president is aware that as a public figure she is obliged to take a higher level of criticism … but she is not obliged to put up with escalating public bullying and unwarranted accusations
Zuzana Čaputová has said she got death threats after Robert Fico made ‘unwarranted accusations’ about her
Researchers gave 200 people $10,000 each to study generosity Big Think
The wife of former Cabinet Minister Jeremy Hunt presents a TV show for China’s state-run media that has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Communist Party’s human rights abuses.
U.S. Marines shifting focus to China, threat is “real”: top general Kyodo Times
China Sows Disinformation About Hawaii Fires Using New Techniques New York Times
Paid vacation days:
Andorra: 31
Algeria: 30
Kuwait: 30
UAE: 30
Estonia: 28
Iran: 26
Austria: 25
Denmark: 25
Finland: 25
France: 25-37
India: 25
Norway: 25
Sweden: 25
Iceland: 24
Kazakhstan: 24
Syria: 24
Ukraine: 24
Belarus: 24
Cuba: 22
Spain: 22
Niger: 22
Portugal: 22
Egypt: 21
Saudi Arabia: 21
Australia: 20
Belgium: 20
Czechia: 20
Germany: 20
Hungary: 20
Italy: 20
Netherlands: 20
Russia: 20-37
UK: 20
Qatar: 15
South Africa: 15
South Korea: 15-25
Pakistan: 14
Indonesia: 12
Israel: 12
Mexico: 12
Turkey: 12
Argentina: 10
Bangladesh: 10
Brazil: 10-22
Canada: 10-20
Japan: 10-20
Singapore: 7-14
Thailand: 6
China: 5-15
Nigeria: 5
USA: 0
* Five-day workweek. Statutory agreements for minimum employee leave from work (amount of entitlement to paid vacation). Companies may offer contractually more time