Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's calls for anE investigation into Cabinet leaks is indicative of a government "eating itself", according to Opposition Leader Bill Shorten ...
Sydney's Olympic Stadium to be knocked down
The fake economics cookbook: how to make bad transport projects look good
Labor promises major planning overhaul for Sydney if elected in 2019
Michael Daley said Labor would implement a major shift in NSW planning policy if elected in 2019, including ditching the government's "priority precincts" ...
“Dr. Carla D. Hayden, the United States Librarian of Congress, was our first keynote speaker at the inaugural OCLC Americas Regional Council (ARC) meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on 30 October 2017. Dr. Hayden discussed the history of library innovation and the role that libraries can play as trusted, smart sources in the information ecosystem.”
The history of the book, once the domain of collectors, has been seized by scholars who've built a field around how people used to interact with print
Readers of biography, beware. You lean too heavily on anecdotes, and you construct false visions of the past. When you study the dead, tread lightly

Former LC Clerks John Evans, Lesley Jeckeln with current Clerk David Blunt
Decisions: Imagine awaiting for an image of getting Grahame Cooksley with Russell Grove and Rhonda Miller all together ...
Rand Paul and his neighbor haven’t talked in years Parliamentary Herald
BOOK REVIEW: 'A Bientot' by Roger Moore - Washington Times.
Later in the book Mr. Moore laments that the English language has become informal and lazy, but wanting to blend in, he offers his own old folks’ text shorthand:“ATD — At the doctors. BTW — Bring the wheelchair. BYOT — Bring your own teeth. FWIW — Forgot where I was. IMHO — Is my hearing aid on? GGPBL — Gotta go, pacemaker battery low. ROFLACGU — Rolling on floor laughing and can’t get up. TTYL — Talk to you louder.”
If they don’t like you, that is the end of your career or business. Worse than the Masons

Reince Priebus on why the White House statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day failed to mention Jewish people...
I don’t regret the words,...I mean, everyone’s suffering in the Holocaust including, obviously, all of the Jewish people affected and miserable genocide that occurs — it’s something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad,...If we could wipe it off of the history books, we would. But we can’t.

Eddie Obeid had big reasons to celebrate at a party he hosted in his Sydney parliamentary office on December 4, 2009. Earlier in the day the man who relished ...
'Data is the new oil': F-Secure man on cartels, disinformation and IoT
'Data is the new oil': F-Secure man on cartels, disinformation and IoT