Bay of Byron is blessed with creative creatures such as David and Kate who escaped the stressful city life ... in order to share their talents with a community of like minded characters on 100 acres community land surrounded by forest, peppered with ponds and bird life. The community consists of 14 dwellings. To preserve the fauna no cats or dogs are allowed on the property. Abelia is a cleverly designed bed and breakfast. Kate not only designed the interior of this three bedroom B & B and their private residency, but also slaved her way into creating a rustic Abelia honeysuckle shrub inspired Garden of Eden ... The railway sleepers and the rusticish looking lights and rusty pots go well with her native flowers and bushes that attract all kinds of birds from wrens to kookaburras. David as a photographer with an eye for details helped to generate a rare homely and welcoming atmosphere away from home.
Abelia House: Arkawal - Past, Present and Future

Memories are treasured from walks through the ancient forest where sounds of birds makes one feel as being part of the mother nature. The tribute dedicated by the 14 owners to the Aboriginal elders is another thoughtful touch and kind gesture that the community land is so divine due to the way to original owners took care of the land and animals ... paying respect ar the entry of the property like no other community ...
Woodland Walks includes Waterlily pond, Walkabout Tea Tree Track and Steep Climb...
Suggestion for improvement get a builder who knows more about soundproofing and replace the dark carpet with wooden floorboards ...