Alcohol and literature -- well, alcohol goes with most human activity, and if it can loosen up potential purchasers (or even readers ...), why not ? When it comes to fiction in translation, in particular, a bit of additional lubrication certainly can't hurt ..... So apparently the thinking at Latvian Literature, where they're offering ... branded beer. Yes, Latvian Literature Launches a Range of #iamintrovert Beers:

The new selection of beers has been created as part of the #iamintrovert campaign, designed to promote Latvian literature and prepare Latvia fkor the participation in the London Book Fair 2018 which the Baltic states will be attending as market focus countries.I'm not sure about that "#iamintrovert"- slogan/campaign (which the beer is apparently meant to counter ?)
But, hey, maybe those: "quotes from literary works of five Latvian authors" on the bottles will make drinkers demand the full books to go with the beer .....
Still, I think they're anticipating/hoping for greater enthusiasm than is realistic:
The exciting thing is that you don't know which quote you're going to get when buying the beer. That's decided by fate, luck or the bartender.I'm also not sure about this:
The beer is unique not only for the quotes, but also for the special recipe that includes one of Latvia's most loved food items -- potato.While I swear by potato-based vodka -- none of this grain crap for me --, potatoes in my beer ... ? I'm going to need some convincing. Or a test-case ...?