Drinking spirits gives men a sexy swagger but unmasks aggression, study shows
Why it's okay—maybe even good—for your kids to fight
How do we engage with the past? Archaeology, art, coins, legal documents, living witnesses. For Thomas Carlyle, however, literary works were unsurpassable
Commentary: The truth behind the U.S. show of force in Asia Reuters (resilc). “The resources plowed into them were stupendous – $5.6 trillion so far, academics at Brown University estimated this month. That would imply a cost per individual U.S. taxpayer of more than $23,000, including future care for veterans
‘One of the most secretive, dark states’: What is Kansas trying to hide? Kansas City Star

Czechs have elected a Slovak-born billionaire
The Slovak Spectator
Czechs have elected a Slovak-born billionaire ... Deemed the richestSlovak, Babiš bought two Czech leading dailies, MF Dnes and Lidové ...
From zero to insane in less than six days.
I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and ... even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!
Margaret Court is not happy about the same sex-marriage
Sitting Supreme Court Justice Bill O'Neill, responding to Franken allegations, claims bedding 50 women": Seth A. Richardson of The Cleveland Plain Dealer has this report.And Marty Schladen and Randy Ludlow of The Columbus Dispatch report that "O'Neill discloses 50 lovers, decries media hysteria over sexual harassment."
Sitting Supreme Court Justice Bill O'Neill, responding to Franken allegations, claims bedding 50 women": Seth A. Richardson of The Cleveland Plain Dealer has this report.And Marty Schladen and Randy Ludlow of The Columbus Dispatch report that "O'Neill discloses 50 lovers, decries media hysteria over sexual harassment."

Sex in Politics…Not!
Alabama Senate Special Election – Moore vs. Jones (December 12) RealClearPolitics. RCP Average: Jones +0.2.
Democrats Missed A Chance To Draw A Line In The Sand On Sexual Misconduct FiveThirtyEight. The Al Franken case goes to the Senate Ethics Committee. I remember very well, after the (squandered) “wave” election in 2006, when new speaker Pelosi instantly buried the Mark Foley case —Foley to 15-year-old male former Senate page: “Get a ruler and measure it for me” — in the Ethics Committee (one might speculate to protect the Republican leadership, in light of what we now know of the Hastert case). In any case, “weaponized sanctimony” is the order of the day, on this day as indeed on all other days, as Democrats refuse to clean their own side of the street. Well played, all.When Character No Longer Counts National Affairs‘Inappropriate behavior’ with man in his office led to Ohio lawmaker’s ouster Columbus Dispatch. I wonder if anybody’s keeping a spreadsheet on these episodes….
Is there a culture of denial around sexual misconduct in academia?Times Higher Education
The Danger of Knowing You’re on the ‘Right Side of History’ New York Magazine (resilc)Roy Moore is waging war on Senate leader Mitch McConnell NBC (furzy). FWIW, Birmingham paper today has a front page story defending Moore.The TED talks empire has been grappling with sexual harassment, interviews and internal emails showWashington PostWhat Should Democrats Do About Al Franken? Nation. I don’t write this stuff….
‘Nothing about it felt right’: More than 50 people describe sexual harassment on Capitol Hill CNN (Re Silc). Hold onto your hats, folks….* * * National Republican move against Roy Moore grows — but key Alabama Republicans are not joining in WaPoLISTEN: Curious Robocall Seeks ‘Damaging’ Information On Moore WKRG. “Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein [!!], I’m a reporter for the Washington Post….” Parallelism of great minds, I guess.
Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall New Yorker/ Solid reporting.Roy Moore Is Not the Brightest Alleged Child Molester New York Magazine (resilc)If Roy Moore Isn’t Rock Bottom for Republicans, What Is?Rolling Stone (resilc)