This Is How Great-Power Wars Get Started ... First they mocked Franz Jozef ... Foreign Policy
I find it irrational to become attached to one theory. I prefer to let different ideas compete like horses in a race and watch which one wins.
Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill: How civil servants lived in fear of the terrible twins at No 10 The Times. Tolstoy was wrong: “…every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” does not hold true in political families.
The BVI’s dirty secret is worth $1.5 trillion Tax Research UK
Porting mobile number: How hackers use this common trick
The Federal Communications Commission today said that a scammer named Adrian Abramovich "apparently made 96 million spoofed ...
Do as We Say not as We Do ... Shakespeare is in his element on a large canvass - This decision will certainly give frontline public sector workers the impression that there’s one set of rules for them and quite another for those at the top,’’ Ms Flood said.
170,000 federal public servants have not had a general pay rise since the Coalition was elected in 2013 and have been locked in a battle over renewal of enterprise agreements Wages for the Cream of our Society
"We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire,” trailblazing astronomer Maria Mitchell observed in contemplating science, religion, and our conquest of truth at the end of the nineteenth century. “If we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from, we will have failed,” Carl Sagan wrote a century later in his exquisite meditation on science and spirituality
Don’t Cry for Travis Kalanick Vanity Fair. “At the end of the day, Uber is the culture Kalanick created.” No. At the end of the day, Uber is a company that’s never going to make any money
Silicon Valley to Liberal Arts Majors: We Want You Boston Review
"Everybody should be worried about Amazon," serial entrepreneur and author Gary Vaynerchuk told Cheddar at the big Cannes, France meeting gathering. "The Bible should be worried about Amazon."
Pundits talk their Ossoff
A Great Way to Learn About Product Design: Visit the Museum of Failures Core 77
... Euthanasia and assisted suicide
“Taking the chance of making a complete fool of himself—and, sometimes, doing so—is the first demand that is made upon any real critic: he must stick his neck out just as the artist does, if he is to be of any real use to art.”

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge Harpers (1939)
Wall Street Journal fires foreign affairs correspondent for ties to gunrunner

Don’t Cry for Travis Kalanick Vanity Fair. “At the end of the day, Uber is the culture Kalanick created.” No. At the end of the day, Uber is a company that’s never going to make any money
Reminiscent of the poet Mark Strand’s 89 meditations on the clouds, Weinberger’s text is a sort of florilegium composed of lyrical descriptions of the stars drawing on various myths, folk tales, or anthropological sources from different eras and cultures
Next to BC We know that we are trivial readers - What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader? Columbia Journalism Review
Silicon Valley to Liberal Arts Majors: We Want You Boston Review
The smarter the home, the more online risks you face San Francisco Chronicle
Build an Internet Kill Switch Makezine
"Everybody should be worried about Amazon," serial entrepreneur and author Gary Vaynerchuk told Cheddar at the big Cannes, France meeting gathering. "The Bible should be worried about Amazon."
Pundits talk their Ossoff
“If you know where Charles Ruggles lives, Ray Bradbury, Michael McClure, or Edward Dorn, you may count yourself learned indeed.”
“Reporting, by and large, is being interested in everyone you meet. It’s surprising how often the most casual meetings turn up fascinating material. This goes for Egypt or a fight club in London. If you don’t consider anybody as being beneath consideration, it’s rewarding and it’s fun.”
“Reporting, by and large, is being interested in everyone you meet. It’s surprising how often the most casual meetings turn up fascinating material. This goes for Egypt or a fight club in London. If you don’t consider anybody as being beneath consideration, it’s rewarding and it’s fun.”
`Books on Concrete Subjects, and Old Books'
A Great Way to Learn About Product Design: Visit the Museum of Failures Core 77
Closest Thing to a Wonder Drug? Try Walking as Exercise ... "In 2015, the
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges put out a report calling exercise a “miracle
cure.” This isn’t a conclusion based simply on some cohort or case-control
studies. There are many, many randomized controlled trials." (The New York
Times - the city of life)

... Euthanasia and assisted suicide

Randall Jarrell, “The Age of Criticism”
There are few people
in the developed world who still cling to the maxim that "home life ceases
to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt".
These days we can't afford to take the same view as Helmer, the husband in
Ibsen's A Doll's House, one of literature's most cautious budgeters. It's a
nice idea to be debt free and just spend what you earn. But when a home costs
many times the average annual income and life's running costs often exceed the
monthly income, borrowing is not something that can be avoided.
In 1965 a young New Yorker writer’s story ideas were rejected, one after another by the editor. Finally he said, “Oranges.” “That’s very good,” replied William Shawn Apples Pain without gain: the truth about austerity | Phillip Inman |

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge Harpers (1939)
Wall Street Journal fires foreign affairs correspondent for ties to gunrunner

- Jack of all trades, master of none
- Jack of all trades, master of one
- Jack of all trades, master of some
- Judge not, that ye be not judged
- Keep your chin up[20]
- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
- Keep your powder dry. Valentine Blacker, 1834 from Oliver's Advice[21]
- Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)[17]
- Knowledge is power, guard it well.