Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Google promised to create a better, faster web for media companies

It’s less about the physical training, in the end, than it is about the mental preparation: boxing is a chess game. You have to be skilled enough and have trained hard enough to know how many different ways you can counterattack in any situation, at any moment.” 

Jimmy Smits

Rock that punched hole in New Jersey house confirmed to be 4.6 billion-year-old meteorite.

Words Matter: The Role of Language in Dispute Resolution by  Slaw, Ian Mackenzie – “How we frame conflict can influence how we approach its resolution. The world of litigation is full of angry, combative words that reinforce the perception of conflict resolution as a battle. Of course, some of this is inevitable as much litigation leads to “winners” and “losers”. However, in some areas of conflict it is more appropriate if resolution leads to cooperation or at least some maintenance of an ongoing relationship. The obvious area of law for ongoing cooperation is family law but other areas of law could benefit from this as well – labour relations, some human rights disputes, and environmental law, to name a few…”

 Google promised to create a better, faster web for media companies

Google Builds on Tech’s Latest Craze With Its Own A.I. Products

The New York Times: “On Wednesday [May 10, 2023], at its annual conference in Mountain View, Calif., the company demonstrated some of what it has been working on. Google said its search engine will begin incorporating responses generated by A.I. at the top of query results pages and allow users to ask follow-up questions. It was a notable step toward Google’s embrace of A.I., which many experts believe could remake the tech industry. Google was a pioneer in the technology, but had been reluctant to do too much with it because A.I. comes with risks, like spreading false information. But Google, along with the rest of Silicon Valley, was surprised by the success of ChatGPT. In December, Google declared a “code red” to find ways to incorporate the technology behind ChatGPT, called generative A.I., into its own products. Google said at its conference on Wednesday that it has now embedded its latest A.I. technology into 25 products, including the search updates and a feature to help users write emails in Gmail…”