Saturday, April 16, 2022

Forget garage sales. These 9 apps make it easier to sell your old junk.

Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.
— Maya Angelou, born in 1928

Stinky feet or something sweet? Cultures around the world respond to smells in the same way Science

Forget garage sales. These 9 apps make it easier to sell your old junk. - just PopsciPopsci: “You’re hemmed in with physical clutter, piles of stuff you don’t really need. This doesn’t just get in your way, but also takes up room you could be using for new purchases. But figuring out what to toss and what to keep, and then following through, is incredibly stressful. These apps can help you organize, digitize, and generally get rid of junk—and maybe make some money while you do so…”

Poem: ‘Schrödinger’s Cat’

Science in meter and verse