Wednesday, April 20, 2022

CSalt: Six - 6 - rude emails you're sending without realising - How Barnes & Noble Went From Villain to Hero

A month before the election, spying on Sea food and Solomon Island issues at dinner time with Dr Cope at Yarra with Peter and Susan as well as Phil …

6 rude emails you're sending without realising

The New York Times: “After years on the decline, Barnes & Noble’s sales are up, its costs are down — and the same people who for decades saw the superchain as a supervillain are celebrating its success. In the past, the book-selling empire, with 600 outposts across all 50 states, was seen by many readers, writers and book lovers as strong-arming publishers and gobbling up independent stores in its quest for market share. Today, virtually the entire publishing industry is rooting for Barnes & Noble — including most independent booksellers. 

Its unique role in the book ecosystem, where it helps readers discover new titles and publishers stay invested in physical stores, makes it an essential anchor in a world upended by online sales and a much larger player: Amazon…”

Your Grin Is Gone. So’s Mine' Injuries at Amazon Up 15% After Pledge to Become ‘Earth’s Safest’

Deaths of Despair in Comparative PerspectiveAnnual Review of Sociology. Here is the full text from ResearchGate. Will repay study:

In the case of the United States, hundreds of thousands of deaths have been associated with industrial decline in the wake of the neoliberal reorganization of the economy. The existing evidence suggests that deindustrialization and economic malaise combine with the effects of broader public policies (including high incarceration rates), which jointly contribute to these deaths. In Eastern Europe, total excess deaths reach the millions, a much higher human cost to match the much more radical project of converting the socialist economies to (hyper)capitalist economies via shock therapy within only a few years. The epidemics of deaths of despair in the West and the East were not historically unique events that idiosyncrasies of the particular countries could explain. Dysfunctional health behavior in the form of alcohol and drug abuse is central to both deaths of despair epidemics. However, these are proximate and not ultimate causes and, in most cases, are on a shared causal pathway linking upstream economic dislocations to individual ill health.


Mass shooting suspect arrested in Manhattan a day after subway attack Gothamist

Minutes? Hours? Who Needs Them? We Need A New Time Measure

Weeks, days, hours, minutes—especially minutes—are just more mechanisms for keeping humans in thrall ultimately based on astronomy, astrology’s lesser sibling. In the globalized information environment we currently enjoy, we should and must construct better timescales. - Wired

How Barnes & Noble Went From Villain to Hero - The New York Times