We don’t meet happy people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason. . .
~ Slavic Saying
Raisin Bread Day
Cinnamon-Raisin Bread Day (16th September) | Days Of The ...
- Fascinating Passages from Fascinating Books[Alexander's father] Philip's training for power was proceeding along useful if unorthodox lines. His experience as a member of the Macedonian royal household had given him an understandably cynical view of human nature: in this world murder, adultery and usurpation were commonplace. ... Philip took it as axiomatic that all... Read more
“It is very important to be in love with life… Life is very fragile and always elusive. As soon as we think we ‘understand,’ there is another mystery. I don’t understand anything. That is, I think, the key to understand everything.”
Why Do Some Technologies Transform Our World And Others Don’t
Although the private sector brought electricity to the big cities—New York, Chicago, St. Louis—the federal government’s Rural Electrification Administration brought electricity to much of America, helping to make radio, electric appliances, television and telecommunications part of everyone’s daily lives. A good deal of private investment created these technologies, but the transformations that they wrought were enabled by the “hidden hand” of government, and citizens often experienced their value in unanticipated ways. – Scientific American
A SPY ALL ALONG: Morton Sobell went on trial for espionage with the Rosenbergs.
Dentists Are Seeing an Epidemic of Cracked Teeth. What’s Going On? New York Times. Wear an appliance! If you can tolerate them (they are bulky), sport biteguards are cheap and sturdy.