LIVE Global coronavirus deaths pass 900,000 BBC
First Known When Lost: Heraclitus in Japan.
Asukagawa means "Asuka River." However, McCullough translates it as: "the River of Tomorrow." She provides this explanation: "The first part of the river name Asuka is homophonous with asu ('tomorrow'). This famous poem made the Asuka and its vagrant channel a symbol of change." (Ibid, page 205.)
"The River of Tomorrow" is quite lovely, isn't it?
There is no better way to learn how the household economy works than to take part in the whole day guided tour at Melliodora. Situated in the Victorian central highlands, Melliodora is one of the best examples of working cool-temperate climate permaculture in the country. At Melliodora you can see how permaculture can produce an abundance of food and other yields from a beautiful living environment.
Permaculture co-founder David Holmgren.
Co-founder of the permaculture movement, David Holmgren
“Melliodora” is a 8700m² (2¼ acre) property situated on the edge of Hepburn Springs, the spa centre in Central Victoria. It is one of the best documented and well known permaculture demonstration sites in the world
Del Hansen’s “Melliodora-a permaculture tour with David Holmgren” in Urban abundance project.
Thomas Häny’s Reise’s Blog zur Reise in die Welt, “Melliodora: auf David Holmgrens Farm” (in Swiss German, with a plenty of photos).
Alister Tuffnell’s “Lessons from Melliodora”, a reflection of his three week stay at Melliodora.
Jane Neville Quince, Apple, Pear and Potato
Tatyana Temirbulatova’s Permacultured website
“Erfahrungen aus erster Hand“ (in German)
(Hermann Paulenz’s account of WWOOFing at Melliodora for three weeks published in Oya magazine. Hermann translated the Essence of Permaculture into German, Das Wesen der Permakultur as well.)
Erin Marteal’s Permaculture in Public Gardens
Jessie’s the Rabid Little Hippy
What Sources Will Historians Of The Future Use To Make Sense Of 2020?
A child today will be a historian of 2020 in the future. What sources will they turn to? How will they verify scattered memories? How will people tell the story of the tumultuous times that we’re living in today? 2020 may be a year for the history “books” but of course, the record we leave behind will be digital in manner. – The Conversation
September 11 anniversary: How to watch the NYC ceremony online
Fast Company: “With all the death and destruction raging across America right now, it’s almost hard to believe that one of the country’s greatest tragedies happened 19 years ago today. On September 11, 2001, two planes slammed into the World Trade Center towers, and another two planes crashed—one into the Pentagon, the other in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In total, 2,977 victims died that day and another 25,000 were injured. Every year since, memorial services have been held to remember the lives lost in 9/11—and this year is no different. However, while a ceremony will be held this year as usual, it’s format will be slightly altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Normally, family members of those who lost their lives gather at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City to read out the names of the victims. This year, however, the victims’ names will be read via a pretaped recording. Here are the details about today’s ceremony conducted by the 9/11 Memorial & Museum…And here’s how to watch the NYC September 11 anniversary ceremony online…”