Police in China's Guangzhou Detain Feminist Who Wrote About Hong Kong
… just how malleable is our humanity? Would we kick a dying man if those in power demanded it? Would we shed the Tao altogether? Right now, the regnant culture is waging war on a number of things once considered fundamentally human: the family, the two genders, the need to communicate honestly (some would say politically incorrectly), the desire for a national identity and flag. Could it be that the Frosts of the world have already begun their work? Clinging to Barrows filled with Gold
Hey, folks — here's life under Communism …
These are some of the thousands of images snapped by Czechoslovakia’s secret police during the 1970s and '80s using tiny hidden cameras.
Cold War River: Truth Freedom

"Many files in the archive are dedicated to religious workers like these two Prague nuns. Devout Christians were seen by the regime as an untameable threat." Via cousin Andrew Imrich
Ironically the same characters who were communists now have the $ they socialised oil, steel and utilities losses
An underground world of Soviet opulence BBC

"Many files in the archive are dedicated to religious workers like these two Prague nuns. Devout Christians were seen by the regime as an untameable threat." Via cousin Andrew Imrich
Ironically the same characters who were communists now have the $ they socialised oil, steel and utilities losses
An underground world of Soviet opulence BBC
Sleepless in Sydney after watching Balloon and talking about the escape to freedom with Gitka ... as no one suffered as much as my sister as she was sacked from teaching for going to church and was forced to do manual labour on the Czechoslovak railways ... strange as she was never and even now Gitka is not bitter about the kafkaesque experiences
On Her 100th Birthday, Doris Lessing And The Jews – The Forward.
On Her 100th Birthday, Doris Lessing And The Jews – The Forward.
“We did not have to identify with the Soviet Union, with its seventy-odd years of logic-chopping, of idiotic rhetoric, brutality, concentration camps, pogroms against the Jews. Again and again, failure. And, from our point of view, most important, the thousand mind-wriggling ways of defending failure. I think the history of Europe would have been very different. Socialism would not now be so discredited, and above all, our minds would not automatically fall into the habit of ‘capitalism or socialism.’”
Andrew Tink’s cousin Peter nails the current struggle ...
The Andrew Olle Lecture: Peter FitzSimons - Nightlife - ABC Radio
https://www.abc.net.au › radio › programs
The Andrew Olle Lecture presented annually by a prominent media player honours Olle's contribution to journalism.
Author and columnist Peter FitzSimons has delivered a strong message that press freedom is a fundamental cornerstone of democracy and called for changes in the law to protect journalists.
He made the comments while delivering the keynote address at the annual Andrew Olle Media Lecture in Sydney on Friday night, where he emphasised the need to support robust journalism for the good of the "national fabric".
FitzSimons said the June raids by the Australian Federal Police on the ABC offices and the home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst were an affront to democracy.