Richard Speed - WOW Just WOW: Gospel according to HPE: And lo, on the 32,768th hour did thy SSD give up the ghost
Running for more than three years? Check the firmware
String of failures put agencies at risk

A post-humous album of unreleased work, full of love, arranged by Leonard’s son Adam.
A gift from a father to a son.
A gift from a son to a father.
A gift to all of us.
Leonard Cohen: Thanks for the Dance review – a sublime final statement
Almost 45,000 homes are still without power across Sydney after severe storms ripped ...
Ukraine and Meddling in 2016 Yasha Levine. Important.

Wall Street Journal, Are Your Jeans Red or Blue? Shopping America’s Partisan Divide:
Levi Strauss and Wrangler both got their start as the go-to jeans for cowboys, railroad workers and others who pioneered the American West. Today, they are on opposite sides of a political divide that is affecting not only how people vote but what they buy.
Consumer research data show Democrats have become more likely to wear Levi’s than their Republican counterparts. The opposite is true with Wrangler, which is now far more popular with Republicans.
There is no simple explanation behind those consumer moves. Some of it is due to social and political stances companies are taking, such as Levi’s embrace of gun control. Some is tied to larger geographic shifts in the political parties themselves, as rural counties become more Republican and urban areas lean more Democratic. Wrangler is popular in the cowboy counties of the West and Midwest while San Francisco-based Levi’s resonates more with city dwellers.
Together those factors are combining to create a new, more partisan American consumer culture, one where the red/blue divisions that have come to define national politics have drifted into the world of shopping malls and online stores.