Monday, August 19, 2019

How Eric Blair became George Orwell …

How Eric Blair became George Orwell …

 and much more: The Best George Orwell Books | Five Books Expert Recommendations
…  he was staying in Suffolk at his parent’s house. He went on a day-trip to Ipswich, the county town, and came back and said to his then-girlfriend, ‘I’m going to call myself George Orwell. It’s the king’s name, ‘George’—good, solid English name—and ‘Orwell’ is the name of the local river that flows through Suffolk.’ So, George Orwell. A very simple process, in the end.

Instapundit — UM: Dem rep: I’m not surprised to see Trump taking sides against peaceful protesters like … Antifa.
As I’ve said before, you don’t get Hitler because of Hitler — there are always potential Hitlers hanging around. You get Hitler because of Weimar, and you get Weimar because the people in charge of maintaining liberal democracy are too weak and corrupt to do the job. And there are a lot of those now, not exclusively in the Democratic Party