Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Department approves developer plan to destroy koala habitat to be consistent with past decisions

HMM: Unnecessary knee airbags may cause more harm than good, study says.

Department approves developer plan to destroy koala habitat to be consistent with past decisions

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws reveal more than 75 hectares of critical koala habitat were approved for clearing by the Department of Environment in breach of its own policy.

Kim Forrest and her husband got an instore credit card. Then they were sued for bankruptcy

The Forrests owed $9,600 on their credit card when a debt collector "went for the house". Consumer advocates say the case highlights an alarming trend towards forced bankruptcies in Australia.

By the end, according to Dikötter, “between 1.5 and 2 million people were killed, but many more lives were ruined through endless denunciations, false confessions, struggle meetings and persecution campaigns.”
(By the way, Lin Biao himself was dead under mysterious circumstances before it was over.)

REMEMBERING THE HORRIFIC RED AUGUST: In August of 1966, the Chinese Cultural Revolution was shifting into high gear. Egged on by Chairman Mao, student groups calling themselves the “Red Guard” had been popping up at schools, colleges, and universities all over the country. They were drunk with power and convinced of their own victimhood (rather like our Antifa).
To rebel is justified!” Mao told them.
At an August mass rally in Tiananmen Square attended by over a million, Mao’s right-hand man, Lin Biao, instructed his young audience on what to do. Standing next to Mao, Lin Biao exhorted them to destroy “all the old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits of the exploiting classes.”
Yes, all of them.
Destroy they did. According to historian Frank Dikötter in The Cultural Revolution: A People’s History 1962-1976, the first death occurred in a school for girls run by Beijing Normal University. On the afternoon of August 5th, self-appointed Red Guard students accused five of the school’s administrators of disloyalty to the Revolution. Forcing them to kneel, the students hit them with nail-spiked clubs. When the vice principal, Bian Zhongyun, after hours of torture, lost consciousness, her body was stuffed into a garbage can.

MUNGO MACCALLUM. Hollow man starts his honeymoon.

Newspoll has emerged from its grotto and ScoMo’s troops are cheering. The honeymoon has kicked in, and how.
Their messiah has given them a convincing cushion, one that should maintain them in comfort for many months, if not years. Forget those constant predictions of doom and gloom that their bible warned of in the past – those were all wrong. This time the truth has been revealed. Break out the bubbly. Continue reading