– President Abraham Lincoln, former U.S. President
I’ve seen sports clothes that say, “Never, never, never give up,” but is that right? Never? Triple never? What if your dream is to win a marathon and your body with triple-never do that? It’ll finish, if you work at it, but it’ll never cross the line first and could fall apart trying. What if your dream is to be a movie star before you’re old, and it’s a million other people’s dreams as well? More than a million, actually. And some of them, lots of them, have perfect teeth and better luck than you.
“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”
– Steve Jobs
Hare on how Nikki Delamotte, the slain Cleveland reporter, had inspired a colleague to become better. For
a project the two had planned, Delamotte had suggested: Why not include
everything that we’re nervous to write about?
CLEVER BIRTHDAY: Oxy.com turned 5, and celebrated its birthday
with a clever donation ask, with suggestions ranging from $5, for the number of
candles on its birthday cake, to $49, for the age of its founder, Carlos Watson
(“who will kill us when he reads this”) to, WTH, $1 million (“If you don’t ask,
you don’t get”). Another option: Just read the stories, and share them if you
They've announced that Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou -- the story of the Theranos-scam/fiasco --, has been named this year's Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year.
See the Knopf publicity page, or get your copy atAmazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.
Historians Have Revered This Book For 30 Years. It’s Only Now Getting Published
“Over the years, it’s been passed around, first in photocopies and later as a PDF. … It’s made its way onto required-reading lists and been cited hundreds of times.” There has even been a scholarly conference devoted to it. Julius S. Scott completed The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution in 1987, and it’s only coming out in print this month. Reporter Tom Bartlett investigates why.
The Crowd-Sourced Novel That Became A Publishing Phenomenon
By the time Anna Todd wrote Chapter 90—of an eventual 295 chapters—her novel-in-progress had been read more than 1 million times. Multiple literary agents reached out to her, but she dismissed them as “crazy people,” figuring no legitimate professional would seek out One Direction fan fiction. Readers composed sequels starring After’s characters, uploaded video homages to the book, and—finally convincing Todd that she might have something big on her hands—chatted as Tessa and Harry on Twitter role-playing accounts.
A Bizarre Dance Craze Has Taken Over South Africa
Limpopo-born musician King Monada's hit song Malwedhe, which means "illness" in the Bolobedu dialect of the Sepedi language, has inspired a dance unlike anything we've seen before. The dance sees fans falling to the ground at the chorus and words: ke na le bolwedhe bao idibala (I have an illness of fainting). … Read More
Brothers sell company they started in their parents' basement for $11 billion
The tech industry's newest billionaires are a pair of brothers who started a software company in their parents' basement in Utah.
I DRINK TO FORGET: Are Your Drinking Habits Affecting Your Memory?
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Six interesting benefits of kissing.
I DRINK TO FORGET: Are Your Drinking Habits Affecting Your Memory?
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Six interesting benefits of kissing.
NEWS I HOPE YOU DON’T NEED TO USE: 5 Ways To Start Having More Sex In Your Marriage.
Related discussion here.
Related discussion here.
Facebook Hired GOP Oppo-Research Firm to Link Protesters to George Soros: Report Daily Beast (furzy)
Delay, Deny and Deflect: How Facebook’s Leaders Fought Through Crisis New York Times. “It also tapped its business relationships, lobbying a Jewish civil rights group to cast some criticism of the company as anti-Semitic.”
I’m really tired of the weaponization of our Jewish ethnicity by plutocrats. Sheryl Sandberg would resign in shame if she had any. And heads at the ADL should roll. This is not ok. https://t.co/SbEqpIPi6B— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) November 14, 2018
This thread is to congratulate Prof. Steve Keen for having his co-authored paper accepted by the Journal of Ecological Economics, and to thank him for the attached preprint. The correct role of energy in production has been absent from conventional economic theory for centuries. https://t.co/uhMPHS2Sdj— Limits to Growth (@Limits2Growth) November 14, 2018
![Biskup Andrzej Imrich, ks. Mieczysław Szlaga ze Sromowiec Wyżnych, ks. Józef Bednarczyk z Niedzicy, ks. Marek Kądzielawa ze Sromowiec Niżnych i Jerzy Regiec, prezes Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Flisaków Pienińskich Biskup Andrzej Imrich, ks. Mieczysław Szlaga ze Sromowiec Wyżnych, ks. Józef Bednarczyk z Niedzicy, ks. Marek Kądzielawa ze Sromowiec Niżnych i Jerzy Regiec, prezes Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Flisaków Pienińskich](https://wf3.xcdn.pl/files/18/11/06/535827_A8PQ__DSC3738_28.jpg)