Thursday, December 22, 2005

Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more

Helen at Blogger on the Cast Iron Balcony owes her ‘all consuming hobby’ - blogging - largely to Margo Kingston of Webdiary

Christmas is anti-war. It is anti-slavery and anti-exploitation. Christmas I dare to bubble is at root against domination, against class, against patriarchy and against prejudice. It is an ancient struggle against poverty and disease; against women dying in childbirth and against people losing their loved ones to tragedy. It is, in ritual, a universal cry for the finest features of the human spirit; for our wildest hopes and dreams; the deepest aspirations of life. It is for democracy and liberty, for universal health care and education, for old forests and clean waterways, for romance and music, for beaches, good company and cold beer. Solstice for all: A Conspiracy of Love

The Blog, The Press, The Media: What Are the Blogs Saying About Me?
Thanks to blog search engines like Technorati, IceRocket and Feedster, writers have easy access to bloggers' reactions

Almost every author I know with a new book does it - the embarrassing, nearly irresistible, ritualistic dip into Internet-assisted narcissism. I know I do. Prodded by a combination of curiosity and dread, I'll scour the Web not just to ascertain sales (impossible) or check out the press coverage, but to get a sense of what ordinary readers are saying about my book when they think I'm not listening.

Blogs are like reports from a far-flung world [Through his webcam, a boy joins a sordid online world Fascination with cyberspace ]
• · The ink isn't dry yet on tomorrow's NY Times, but billionaire blogger Mark Cuban has already posted a reponse on his weblog to a piece critical (or, at least, dubious) of him in the business section of the Times Learning from Mark Cuban ; What’s good for General Motors... was a phrase once used to vilify G.M.’s head. Now Google’s founders buy a big jet and it’s “good for the world.” Oh, is it? Breaking Up With Google
• · · Unanchored What does America want from its TV journalists?
• · · · One of the really cool things about blogs is that very smart, knowledgeable people can offer up their opinions on topics of the moment. In this case, it's Orin Kerr and Daniel Solove offering up extended legal analyses of the wiretaps. Beyond His Power
• · · · · Virtual Quixotes: as people spend more time immersed in the worlds of video games, they may lose touch with reality... Worlds without end