Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Criminals caused the Cronulla riots, not failed multiculturalism Critics on the wrong track over racism

Eye on Politics & Law Lords: Minimize Secrecy, Maximize Knowledge
A few types of corporate information need to be kept confidential. But keep the secrets to a minimum, urges Stever Robbins. Companies need to spread knowledge to achieve greatness.

How open should executives and all managers be when it comes to confidentiality? Some things, like employee pay or impending layoffs must remain confidential. But what about company strategy and finances? Doesn’t it weaken the position of managers to share that information too widely?
People have lots of reasons for hoarding information, mostly bad ones. But sometimes it’s good to keep quiet. After all, you want information to get where it’s needed, in a way that serves everyone involved.
Information was also scarce, and that made it valuable. Power was gained by hoarding information and being shrouded in mystery. That was then, this is now. Hoarding information used to be a show of power, now it’s just annoying. The bottleneck has moved, and with it, the dynamics of who wins and who loses.

Let go of information-as-power, and instead embrace information-as-lifeblood [Even as the fires smoldered in France's working-class suburbs and paramilitary police officers patrolled Paris to guard against attacks by angry minority youths last month, dozens of young men and women dressed in elaborate, old-fashioned parade uniforms marched down the Champs-Élysées to commemorate Armistice Day Elite schools block the poor's path to power ]
• · The Messiah was a Marxist ; An essay on when self-immolation is a rational choice History shows us that the broad electorate can be as bellicose as the most bloodthirsty tyrant
• · · In October 1997, as the political philosopher Isaiah Berlin lay on his deathbed in Oxford, he received a short note from Britain's new prime minister. What intrigued Tony Blair was Berlin's celebrated distinction between two kinds of liberty - between the simple "negative" liberty of the individual to be free from external interference or coercion, and the "positive" liberty to take control of one's life and to play an active role in one's community Negative v positive liberty ; Canada-U.S. relations have taken centre stage this election. Is it a lovers' quarrel or something more serious? The politics of Bush-bashing
• · · · If you're a graduate student of political theory, check out The ABD Club blog
• · · · · Like cherry blossoms that symbolize springtime and renewal in Japan, signs of an end to the nation's 15-year economic slump are beginning to emerge Japan, this time, the recovery seems for real ; The most stupid thing about the Australian tax system is that we can deduct passive investment losses from other income, while small business people have to quarantine start-up losses from new businesses that actually employ people and can't deduct them as they go. Nerve needed to fix tax idiocies
• · · · · · Michael Carmody Leading by example Leadership matters; David Uren: Tax debate hotting up