Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I was repining at the thought of my slow progress—how few new ideas I had or picked up—when it occurred to me to think of the total of life and how the greater part was wholly absorbed in living and continuing life—victuals—procreation—rest and eternal terror. And I bid myself accept the common lot; an adequate vitality would say daily, 'God, what a good sleep I’ve had,' 'My eye, that was dinner,' 'Now for a fine rattling walk'—in short, life as an end in itself.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., letter to Frederick Pollock, 1919

I Can tell that we're going to be enemies: MEdia Dragon (TM) has dreams of blogging all about it
What dragon's blog would be complete without displaying something with a lot of dragonanger?
Weblogs have revolutionised the media. But are they more than just vanity publishing? And if so, what kind of content is best? Leading bloggers Salam Pax, Rhodri Marsden and Gregor Wright debate the issues. Via email, naturally ...
BTW, come and listen to a young man from Iraq with the pseudonym of Salam Pax, the Baghdad Blogger, @ Sydney Writers' Festival, May 17 - 23, 2004

· Being a Spy and a MEdia Dragon is a Conflict of Interest
· See Also Jungle Journalism and Weblogging in Their Corrected Fullness
· See Also Amazon: More Rain Forest... Criticism and Elitism [ The books Amazon natives are talking about now Buy this book, it's amazingly good ]
· See Also DID YOU SEE?: Blogs are all effectively Did You Sees, one person's effort to boil the news of the world down to a handful of salient items
· See Also Here's a word that will interest editorial page editors: No Word Is Mightier Than the Pollutocrat