Saturday, August 30, 2003

The ability to use irony and to criticize (without being monitored by media units of the Secret Service) is one of the great strengths of our democracy. In Australia no one monitors my ironic views, what a Lucky Country this is, indeed...(ironic grin intended)

Well, this kind of statement describing Czechoslovak democratic system used to bring me a new and better class of communist stalkers and bullies.

What a Week in Politics Down Under Good morning, I'd like to have an argument, please, please

Prologue: This story just doesn't get any better. And people wonder why I believe blindly following major parties is for the weak-minded.

Equating Hanson, a convicted fraudster, with Nelson Mandela is simplistic claptrap. While the human rights group Amnesty International tirelessly argued for Nelson Mandela's release from prison, we do not anticipate that it will campaign for the release of Hanson.
Webdiarists' Hanson reaction pattern is like the Tampa one - first a flood of emails outraged at the sentence, then defenders; start to trickle in and gradually build in numbers. Gianna under my Nota Bene link refers serious readers to full monty bloghorn!

· Political prisoner status earned, not stolen [SMH ]
· Comedy of slush funds [ABC ]
· Comedy of I know Nossink [SMH ]