The odd couple Critic Magazine. “Waugh & Greene”
Yesterday’s Men: The death of the mythical methodHarper’s
The 2024 Audubon Photography Awards
Winners and Honorable Mentions. Mating,fighting, dive-bombing for food: This year’s prize-winning images and videos are packed with avian action—now, in even more categories.
Economist suggests storing grain to prepare for next global emergency Guardian
* * * Occasional paper: Fungal banking Crooked Timber
Book Review – Eat, Poop, Die: How Animals Make Our World The Inquisitive Biologist
IN TODAY’S EPISODE OF TOTALITARIAN REGIMES RUIN EVERYTHING: Is the Chinese Military Crumbling Under Xi? It Seems Like It…
Thatcherism, austerity, Brexit, Liz Truss… goodbye and good riddance to all that Guardian
British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations The Grayzone
British Army Delays Provision of New Badges Due to Paranoia Over Chinese Spying Sputnik

Proton Drive Can Now Replace Google Photos on iPhone
HowToGeek: “Step aside, Google Photos. Proton Drive now offers automated photo backup with end-to-end encryption on iOS. This feature is available to both free and paid Proton Drive users.
Proton Drive photo backup initially launched in December 2023 as an Android-exclusive feature. The new iOS implementation is practically identical to what we saw on Android—stored photos and videos are automatically protected by end-to-end encryption before they’re uploaded to the cloud, backups are seamlessly synced across all of your devices, and an intuitive gallery is provided within the Proton Drive app.Photo and video backups occur automatically. As soon as something hits your camera roll, it’s encrypted and sent to your Proton Drive account.
You don’t need to open the Proton Drive app to trigger a backup, although you need to enable backups in the Proton Drive app to get the ball rolling. People can securely share photos or videos from their Proton Drive account. Also, an “available offline” feature lets you view your favorite photos and videos without an internet connection (though you need to manually select which photos and videos you want to save for offline use)…”
How Black Librarians Helped Create Generations of Black Literature
The New York Times [unpaywalled] – “Recent scholarship is uncovering the role of the women who ran libraries during the Harlem Renaissance where they built collections and, just as important, communities of writers and readers…“Mr. Schomburg’s collection is really the seed,” said Joy Bivins, the current director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, as the 135th Street library, currently home to more than 11 million items, is now known.
“But in many ways, it is these women who were the institution builders.” Many were among the first Black women to attend library school, where they learned the tools and the systems of the rapidly professionalizing field. On the job, they learned these tools weren’t always suited to Black books and ideas, so they invented their own.
At times, they battled overt and covert censorship that would be familiar in today’s climate of rising book bans and restrictions on teaching so-called divisive concepts. But whether they worked in world-famous research collections or modest public branch libraries, these pioneers saw their role as not just about tending old books but also about making room for new people and new ideas.
These librarians were very tuned in and understood that a cultural movement also needs a space,” said Laura E. Helton, a historian at the University of Delaware and author of the recent book “Scattered and Fugitive Things: How Black Collectors Created Archives and Remade History.” “And libraries served that function in every town and city where they were set up.”…