Sunday, May 19, 2024

Internet Use Is Associated With Greater Wellbeing, Global Finds

“One of the compensations of reading in old age is that, having lived through much more than in youth, books resonate in the mind much more also. This resonance is pleasurable even if the events brought to mind were once painful, and what might once have seemed merely fictional, arbitrary, insignificant, and unimportant, takes on in age a depth. ‘For a schoolboy,’ says Souvestre, ‘an atlas is a schoolbook. For an old man, it is a magic lantern.’”

Internet Use Is Associated With Greater Wellbeing, Global Study Finds Guardian. Wonder how careful they were about confounders.

The Smartless gang make me laugh out loud on a daily basis. Highly recommend if you’re not already hooked.

 Considered one of the most beautiful villages of France, owned by the Knights Templars, they built the fortress there during the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, with a population of just 188, La Couvertoirade is largely inhabited by craftsmen working with enamel, pottery, weaving and similar crafts.

Here is the town’s website. More information found here.

Clitoxin for Improved Female Sexual FunctionFeminine Wellness Newsletter. Dr. Kevin: “Another miracle of modern medicine …”

Corporate leaders' moments of good leadership didn't come from morals, they came from fear. Fear that a competitor would take away a disgruntled customer or worker. Fear that a regulator would punish the company so severely that all gains from cheating would be wiped out. Fear that a rival technology – alternative clients, tracker blockers, third-party mods and plugins – would emerge that permanently severed the company's relationship with their customers. Fears that key workers in their impossible-to-replace workforce would leave for a job somewhere else rather than participate in the enshittification of the services they worked so hard to build: