Nature’s 10 Best Animal Dads Treehugger
The diaries of Kafka aeon

At the Literary Hub Esther Allen has a fun Q & A with the translator and author, in A Babel of Languages: Peter Constantine on the Joys of Translation and Multilingual Writing.
Irish literature
At ABC News Nicola Heath takes a closer look at Why so many of the world's best writers hail from Ireland, from James Joyce to Colm Tóibín.
Elizabeth Gilbert withdraws book
“I have received an enormous, massive outpouring of reactions and responses from my Ukrainian readers expressing anger, sorrow, disappointment, and pain about the fact that I would choose to release a book into the world right now,” Gilbert said in a statement on June 12. “I want to say that I have heard these messages and read these messages, and I respect them. As a result, I’m making a course correction, and I’m removing the book from its publication schedule. It is not the time for this book to be published. And I do not want to add any harm to a group of people who have already experienced and who are all continuing to experience grievous and extreme harm.”
Popular American author Elizabeth Gilbert has withdrawn her forthcoming novel, The Snow Forest, from publication, as she explained on Twitter..
The problem ? It's set in .... (Soviet) Russia. There may be more to this -- I haven't seen the book -- but apparently that's it.
Gilbert is a (very) commercial author, so I assume she's reading her room right -- but still .....
This has been widely reported -- see articles at, for example, The Guardian, Vulture, and The Atlantic .
Impressively, the publishers -- Riverhead in the US and Bloomsbury in the UK -- have pulled the book from their websites already (though there's still a Google cache, as I write this ...). It is also still up at (though not at the US Amazon.)
It'll be interesting to see when she and her publishers believe it will be publishable again.
Xi Jinping, prolific author
At the MCLC Resource Center, David Bandurski has a look at His authorship, Xi Jinping, finding that in China: "one writer reigns supreme at the printing press, and in the headlines"..
Previous Chinese leader Hu Jintao published 1.5 titles per year, Jiang Zemin 1.4 -- while in: "his first decade in power, Xi published an average of 12 unique titles per year". All that while he has a day job, too.
No novels, though ...... Or poetry (which Mao dabbled in).
If you're eager to sample some Xi Jinping -- or go all in --, check out the Foreign Language Press site
“I have received an enormous, massive outpouring of reactions and responses from my Ukrainian readers expressing anger, sorrow, disappointment, and pain about the fact that I would choose to release a book into the world right now,” Gilbert said in a statement on June 12. “I want to say that I have heard these messages and read these messages, and I respect them. As a result, I’m making a course correction, and I’m removing the book from its publication schedule. It is not the time for this book to be published. And I do not want to add any harm to a group of people who have already experienced and who are all continuing to experience grievous and extreme harm.”
Popular American author Elizabeth Gilbert has withdrawn her forthcoming novel, The Snow Forest, from publication, as she explained on Twitter..
The problem ? It's set in .... (Soviet) Russia. There may be more to this -- I haven't seen the book -- but apparently that's it.
Gilbert is a (very) commercial author, so I assume she's reading her room right -- but still .....
This has been widely reported -- see articles at, for example, The Guardian, Vulture, and The Atlantic .
Impressively, the publishers -- Riverhead in the US and Bloomsbury in the UK -- have pulled the book from their websites already (though there's still a Google cache, as I write this ...). It is also still up at (though not at the US Amazon.)
It'll be interesting to see when she and her publishers believe it will be publishable again.
Xi Jinping, prolific author
At the MCLC Resource Center, David Bandurski has a look at His authorship, Xi Jinping, finding that in China: "one writer reigns supreme at the printing press, and in the headlines"..
Previous Chinese leader Hu Jintao published 1.5 titles per year, Jiang Zemin 1.4 -- while in: "his first decade in power, Xi published an average of 12 unique titles per year". All that while he has a day job, too.
No novels, though ...... Or poetry (which Mao dabbled in).
If you're eager to sample some Xi Jinping -- or go all in --, check out the Foreign Language Press site