MICROBIOME NEWS: Centenarians have a distinct microbiome that may help support longevity.
The Truelove: Poet and Philosopher David Whyte on Reaching Beyond Our Limiting Beliefs About What We Deserve
“if you wanted to drown you could, but you don’t because finally after all this struggle and all these years you simply don’t want to any more, you’ve simply had enough of drowning and you want to live and you want to love”
Spain’s Hot Young Poet Is A Hospital Laundry Worker

Tom Peters: Course 3: Innovation
The IMF is suggesting that monopoly power is undermining the power of monetary policy
In a fascinating new blog post that was published yesterday three IMF authors suggested that: Some central banks are currently debating whether to tighten monetary
Read the full article…
How Much Of Your Life Has Been Determined By Fiction?
I spoke to some US-based scholars today about a study they are planning to do on the question whether American citizens think one can say that at some point, one is having too much money. Long-time readers of our blog might recall that in January 2018 I asked you for input on a study I was setting up in the Netherlands to find out whether the Dutch think there is the symmetrical thing of a poverty line – a riches line. And yes, they do. The study has in the meantime been conducted and published in the journal Social Indicators Reserach, and is open access – available to all. I am very grateful to my collaborators and (economic) sociologists Tanja van der Lippe, Vincent Buskens, Arnout van de Rijt and Nina Vergeldt, since I would never have been able to do this on my own: the last time I did empirical work was in 2002 (and in the good tradition of economics graduate training, I never collected my own data when I was trained as an economist, hence it was a great adventure to set up this survey).
Based on our data, we find that 96,5% of the respondents made a distinction between a family that is rich and one that is extremely rich, whereby the standard of living of the latter is described as: “This family has much more than they need to lead an affluent life. They never have to consider whether they can afford certain luxury spending, and even then, they still have plenty of money left to do extraordinary things that almost no one can afford. No one needs that much luxury.” [click to continue…]
SHOCKING NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: $3 Million Government Study Finds Link Between Excessive Drinking and Aggressive Nightclub Behavior.
Get $33,000 By Moving To These Italian Villages
Not only do you get extra cash, you also get a chance to move to a beautiful village! Understandably, uprooting your life and moving to a new place is difficult and nerve-wracking. That’s why, as part of the offer, the Southern Italian village of Calabria is offering a hefty sum of $33,000 to people who are willing to move to their beautiful region. There’s no catch in this incredible offer, as Calabria just aims to reverse their population decline:
The program is open to anyone under the age of 40. Then, all you have to do is take up residency and commit to starting a local business or even just work professional roles. It honestly sounds like the premise of a light-hearted comedy movie.
"We want this to be an experiment of social inclusion," says Gianpietro Coppola, mayor of Altomonte. "Draw people to live in the region, enjoy the settings, spruce up unused town locations such as conference halls and convents with high-speed internet. Uncertain tourism and the one euro houses are not the best ways to revamp Italy's south."
"The goal is to boost the local economy and breathe new life into small-scale communities," says Gianluca Gallo, a regional councilor. "We want to make demand for jobs meet supply, that's why we've asked villages to tell us what type of professionals they're missing to attract specific workers."
The active residency income project will be open for applications soon.
Image credit: La So (Unsplash)