My heart is a thousand years old. I am not like other people.
A fleet of winged underwater robots will patrol the seas for the US Navy Popular Science.
Amazon, Google and other tech companies join government effort to fight ransomware CNBC From last week, still germane.
NYPD Secretly Spent $159 Million On Surveillance Tech Since 2007 Engadget
Global Warming Over a Lifetime
July was world’s hottest month ever recorded, US scientists confirm Guardian
A Sicilian Town Sends an Omen of a Much Hotter Future New York Times
The Absinthe Enthusiasts Hiding Bottles in the Swiss Woods

In the Val-de-Travers valley, people never stopped distilling the spirit. Full article on Gastro Obscura.
Goodreads Has An Extortion Problem
Hubert Horan: Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Twenty-Six: With No Hope of Real Profits, Uber and Lyft Double Down on Fake Profit Metrics
Uber continues to hemorrhage cash and rack up impressive negative operating margins, yet the press eats up its accounting misdirection.