Elephants play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance in its habitat and are referred to as ecosystem ‘engineers’.
China elephants: 150,000 evacuated from path of trekking herd BBC. The elephants apparently have their own Twitter account
Useful rule of thumb: It's Not a Self-Driving Car Unless You Can Sleep In It.
Taking some Italians to an NYC Olive Garden. "'There is an Italian phrase,' said Marco after we ordered our food. '"Li ti avvelenano", which translates to "there they will poison you." This is my prediction for the night.'"
Can Reading Make You Happier?
The New Yorker – Can Reading Make You Happier? By Ceridwen Dovey – June 9, 2015: “For all avid readers who have been self-medicating with great books their entire lives, it comes as no surprise that reading books can be good for you. Several years ago, I was given as a gift a remote session with a bibliotherapist at the London headquarters of the School of Life, which offers innovative courses to help people deal with the daily emotional challenges of existence. I have to admit that at first I didn’t really like the idea of being given a reading “prescription.” But the session was a gift, and I found myself unexpectedly enjoying the initial questionnaire about my reading habits that the bibliotherapist…”
Morning News: A Remarkable Number Of Artists Have Been Simulated Singing Flo Rida's "Low" (Retitled "Apple Bottom Jeans”
You are not lazy. You are not undisciplined.
You are not irresponsible. You are not suffering from mysterious ‘Just Can’t Do It’-itis.
You are experiencing internal resistance. And internal resistance is not a flaw, nor is it all powerful. It is a facet of human creativity and growth, and it can be managed. But we have to start by recognising it for what it is.