--Spanish proverb
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
~ T. S. Eliot
“Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.”
― Manon, Ballerina
Ask two yammerings, receive three opinions ... Via Dorothy Dixon ...
Theft is at the heart of the capitalist economy
Richard Delgado (Alabama), Metamorphosis: A Minority Professor's Life, 53 UC-Davis L. Rev. Online 1 (2019):
This article is a dark, semi-autobiographical takeoff on a famous novel by Franz Kafka. I use the predicament of Gregor, the central character in The Metamorphosis, as a thematic metaphor to explain a series of events in the life of an outwardly successful man of color teaching law. It proceeds in a series of 37 short vignettes told in the course of a bedside conversation in which my young firebrand Rodrigo turns tables on his usual foil and straight man, “the Professor,” and asks him a few questions about his life and career. Until now, the two had focused on the young man’s ideas and prospects. In an expansive mood, with nothing better to do, the Professor spills the beans. What emerges is a tragicomic description of a middle-aged academic who has come to realize, with a shock, that he is undergoing a jaw-dropping transformation.

Machines Are Increasingly Taking Over Creative Jobs. Should We Be Worried?

Once we thought drivers, doctors, accountants, and lawyers were irreplaceable. And yet we are beginning to see computers encroaching on those fields. Now, even the most human of professions—those centered on creativity, something we thought of as uniquely human—seem to be programmable. – JSTOR
Liberal MPs tell Premier they will defect to crossbench over abortion bill
Biglaw Firm Tells Associates They Have To Take Vacation Time To Attend Firm Event Above The Law. Are we having fun yet?
How the Media Fools Us About TradeJacobin. Dean Baker.
Jeff Bezos Mocks France BIG by Matt Stoller
David Koch Is Dead. We Must Now Take On His Harmful Legacy in Higher Education. TruthOut.
Brain-reading tech is coming. The law is not ready to protect us. Vox
Brain-reading tech is coming. The law is not ready to protect us. Vox
To regain trust, our public service must be allowed to take risks |