“You cannot hold back a good laugh any more than you can the tide. Both are forces of nature.” —William Rotsler
One must live as if it would be forever, and as if one might die each moment. Always both at once.
— Mary Renault born in 1905
The Boss: Bruce Springsteen an Aristotle for our times: Songs of Wisdom Boss is eight days younger as he also was born to run - 23 September
May your path ahead be filled with all the love and success you deserve.
Stay as bright, thoughtful and relaxed as you are.
Fly high to the happiness and watch your dreams come true.
The Boss: Bruce Springsteen an Aristotle for our times: Songs of Wisdom Boss is eight days younger as he also was born to run - 23 September
May your path ahead be filled with all the love and success you deserve.
Stay as bright, thoughtful and relaxed as you are.
Fly high to the happiness and watch your dreams come true.
For the first time in history a gas giant outside our solar system has been found. Scientists looked at the star Pegasi-51 using giant telescopes on the ground and discovered the star wobbled, meaning it has planets. The question whether we're alone in the universe has brought us one step closer. This planet is larger than jupiter has been found orbiting the star Pegasi-51, a star that is 15 lightyears away from our sun. Scientists were stunned to discover that gas giants could orbit stars at such a close range (closer than mercury). They always thought that if they would find a gas giant it would be just as far away as ours

eBay went live (Sept. 3 1995): Then called AuctionWeb, the site was started by Pierre Omidyar to help his then-fiancée find Pez dispensers for her collection. Other tech milestones of that year were the launch of IMDb and the release of Windows 95 (d’uh).

- James Bond Returns To Cinemas
After a six year hiatus James Bond returns to packed cinema houses. Pierce Brosnan debuts as agent 007 in "Goldeneye". The film becomes the highest grossing Bond picture, earning $353 million worldwide. It's the 4th highest grossing film of 1995.
eBay went live (Sept. 3 1995): Then called AuctionWeb, the site was started by Pierre Omidyar to help his then-fiancée find Pez dispensers for her collection. Other tech milestones of that year were the launch of IMDb and the release of Windows 95 (d’uh).
Jagged Little Pill was the album of the year: At the Grammy Awards for that year (which, yes, took place in 1996) Alanis Morissette scored for her June 1995 release. She also won Best Rock Song for “You Oughta Know.” Other notable tunes of 1995 include “Gangsta’s Paradise,” “Waterfalls,” “Creep” and “Kiss From a Rose.”
Twenty four years ago this month, Microsoft launched its Windows 95 operating system, which would go on to sell tens of millions of copies in its first year alone. At that same time, the 1995 World Aerobic Championships were taking place in San Diego, Michael Jackson participated in his first “online chat,” T.V. news was covering the O.J. Simpson trial, a 19-year-old Tiger Woods won the U.S. Amateur Championship, Moscow opened its fifth McDonald’s restaurant, and a lot of other events were happening. Collected here are news images from the last week in August, 1995, 20 years ago this week.
On 15 September 2000
The opening ceremony of the 2000 Summer Olympics were held in Sydney, Australia.
What day was my birthday Sep 15, 1995?

What were you in your past life?
I do not know how you feel about this, but you were a male ♂ in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Poland approximately on 1600. Your profession was builder of roads, bridges, docks.
UK Natural History Museum – “Explore this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition images. A sleeping seal, a zombie beetle and a tragic turtle are just some of the Highly Commended pictures from the competition, which is now in its fifth-fifth year…”
UK Natural History Museum – “Explore this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition images. A sleeping seal, a zombie beetle and a tragic turtle are just some of the Highly Commended pictures from the competition, which is now in its fifth-fifth year…”