~ Roger Scruton, On Hunting (courtesy of Anecdotal Evidence)
Dust storm blankets parts of NSW after cold front
A cold front has moved across the state on Saturday whipping up dust and leaving some stunning images.

Sometimes you only notice things when seeing from a different angle
Death and the Labyrinth MS PAINT HELP
Choking and gasping in Indonesia’s noxious haze Asia Times (resilc)
The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us AllNew York Times. Resilc: “Big falloff in my Vermont pasture.” Moi: Now that I think of it, fewer crows in Maine in the last two years…and they are omnivores and even eat carrion.

Webster Adds Gender-Neutral Pronouns to Dictionary | Time
As Mencken said, “There is no idea so stupid that you can't find a professor who will believe it.” Or, as George Orwell put it, “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
Greek Poet Nanos Valaoritis Crucified by Time
Nanos Valaoritis has died. He was 98.
Read one of his poems: “Endless Crucifixion”