~Albert Einstein
The easy way out usually leads back in.
~ Peter Senge
ABC’s Saturday Extra with Geraldine Doogue (from 0730 to 0900 or on their website in case you miss it).
China/universities: Growth in Chinese demand for international education from Australian universities has come with enormous benefits, but also greater risks. How should we rethink the way Australia engages with Chinese students in Australia, and Chinese scholars abroad? Fran Martin, Associate Professor at University of Melbourne, and Peter Varghese AO, Chancellor of the University of Queensland.
JOHN BROWN. How Quickly They Forget – But I Don’t.
Some years back, one of my proudest acts as a Minister for Sport was that I introduced about 10 pieces of legislation into the Parliament to the benefit of sport which were the first pieces of legislation including the word sport introduced since Federation. One of the better pieces of this legislation was a taxation ruling which allows particular classes of people who achieve fluctuating incomes an ability to spread their income over five years. This ruling particularly benefited cricketers who over their career have good years and bad years
Are we living in the most influential time ever?
This has been bothering me, so I’m putting it out there – The shift to 6 yrs for an Econ PhD is a TERRIBLE trend for female PhD students – & also some men, obviously – but especially for women. This issue warrants much more attention.
So says the wise Melissa S. Kearney wiser BC might also agree
Along those lines, I have a modest proposal. Eliminate the economics Ph.D, period. Offer everyone three years of graduate economics education, and no more (with a clock reset allowed for pregnancy). Did Smith, Keynes, or Hayek have an economics Ph.D? This way, no one will assume you know what you are talking about, and the underlying message is that economics learning is lifelong.
Chinese property deal at heart of Huang's ATO dispute
Chinese property deal at heart of Huang's ATO dispute
Lesson From The Tax Court: The Functional Definition Of 'Return'
Section 6011 requires taxpayers to self-report on “a return or statement according to the forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary.” The most common return is the Form 1040. Taxpayers who fail to file returns or who file fraudulent or frivolous returns are subject to various consequences. For example, the three year statute of limitations on the IRS to audit a tax year is only triggered when the taxpayer files a return. §6501(c). If what is filed is not a return, then the IRS can assess the penalties imposed by §6651(a) for the failure to file a return.
It thus becomes important to know: what constitutes a “return”?
- Right-wing economics has turned our high streets into deserts (20 Sep 2019)
- ICIJ scrutiny inspires new EU tax crimes watchdog (20 Sep 2019)
- British American Tobacco issued with £900m Dutch tax bill (20 Sep 2019)
- HMRC wins IR35 tribunal against three BBC presenters (20 Sep 2019)
- 'The men who plundered Europe': City of London practices on trial in Bonn (20 Sep 2019)
- Ireland loses €10m aluminium EU state aid tax argument (20 Sep 2019)
- State-aid: CJEU rules against Ireland on excise tax exemption (20 Sep 2019)
- Efforts to cut sugar out of food way off target (20 Sep 2019)
- India Surprises With $20 Billion Tax Cut Stimulus; Stocks Soar (20 Sep 2019)
- Apple Can't Win Its $14 Billion European Tax Battle (20 Sep 2019)
- HMRC collects a record £5.4bn from inheritance tax: but who actually pays? (20 Sep 2019)
- Tax Evasion and Inequality (20 Sep 2019)
- World's Best Tax Haven: The United States (20 Sep 2019)
- Is it time to stop big firms from shifting profits to tax havens? (20 Sep 2019)
- Trump sues Vance and Mazars in response to subpoena (20 Sep 2019)
- Ireland 'blindingly accepted' Apple tax plan (18 Sep 2019)
- Labour eyes privilege reform to hit tax avoidance “enablers” (18 Sep 2019)
- Italy Considers Penalty on Cash Withdrawals to Fight Tax Evasion (18 Sep 2019)
- Profit Shifting: Netherlands Closes Door on Popular Corporate Tax Breaks (18 Sep 2019)
- Tax reorganisation costs Prudential Financial millions (18 Sep 2019)
- HMRC as preferential creditor: Javid warned over insolvency debts (18 Sep 2019)
- Dutch Moves Aim at Companies' Tax Dodging Strategies (18 Sep 2019)
- Profit Shifting: Chinese takeover of Bellamy's infant formula would benefit tax haven entities (18 Sep 2019)
- 'We need to think about systemic corruption' (18 Sep 2019)
- Huang Xiangmo pulls nearly $50m out of Australia as tax office chases (18 Sep 2019)
- Zimbabwe's High Court Annuls 2% Digital Transactions Tax (18 Sep 2019)
- Wealth Tax - Constitutional Probably - Good Idea Not So Much (17 Sep 2019)
- EU's tax transparency tools prove effective, report shows (17 Sep 2019)
- EU tax transparency tools prove effective in the fight against tax evasion and tax avoidance (17 Sep 2019)
- Apple Irish tax case appeal heard by EU court (17 Sep 2019)
- Authoritarian populism threatens to destroy UK democracy (16 Sep 2019)
- State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigations into individual “excess profit” tax rulings granted by Belgium to 39 multinational companies (16 Sep 2019)
- Twitter UK pays less tax than people earning £120K (16 Sep 2019)
- EU to pursue web tax plan alone if no global accord (16 Sep 2019)
- Tax avoidance isn't illegal — but it's time we tackled companies who stash their profits offshore (16 Sep 2019)
- New York prosecutors subpoena eight years of Trump's tax returns (16 Sep 2019)
- Labour's tax on City deals would be a big vote winner (16 Sep 2019)
- John McDonnell pledges crackdown on City 'enablers' of tax (16 Sep 2019)
- Costa lobbied against 25p coffee cup tax that was dropped by UK government (16 Sep 2019)
- Lebedev says Ireland facilitates 'global financial apartheid with tax avoidance (16 Sep 2019)
- Apple And Ireland Challenge EU Over $14.4 Billion Tax Ruling (16 Sep 2019)
- Apple takes fight against 13-billion-euro EU tax order to court (16 Sep 2019)
- Is it true to say Ireland is one of the world's biggest tax havens? (16 Sep 2019)
- UK high earners stung for more tax than European counterparts (16 Sep 2019)
- Changing HMRC Status to Priority Creditor: Chancellor warned over Treasury insolvency 'cash grab' (16 Sep 2019)
- Climate change: Germany's conservatives mull doubling air travel tax (16 Sep 2019)
- Money Laundering: Rise in teenage money mules prompts warnings (16 Sep 2019)
- Google to pay €1bn to end French tax probe (12 Sep 2019)
- Google's Irish unit gets boost in Hungary tax case (12 Sep 2019)
- Is most of our FDI really 'phantom' investments? (12 Sep 2019)