"Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "Go". A leader says "Lets Go" -
George E. M. Kelly
Consider the bathtub. "Baths are transformative or transportative, as though they might stroll away on their own claw-footed legs"Transformative bathtub
Film and Influence
In the week of the Oscars its worth thinking on reversing the usual formula - that much film takes its inspiration from literary sources - and thinking of the other way round: how film has and can influence literature. When I occasionally get asked what influences my own fiction, I inevitably mention certain writers, or certain tropes, but cinema is also a key
part of my artistic back story; both in terms of the cultural reference points that accumulate for a person of my age and background, but also in terms of narrative style. . C
Border Patrol, CSSR, German shephard, Iron Curtain
Image ID: BX55ED
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17.3 MB (0.5 MB Compressed download)
Dimensions: 2592 x 2338 px | 21.9 x 19.8 cm | 8.6 x 7.8 inches | 300dpi
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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.
After the Communist putsch in 1948 the frontier to West Germany and Austria was sealed to prevent escapes of Czechoslovak citizen from behind Iron Curtain. The Border Patrol was accompanied by trained German shephards and was ordered by the Communist goverment to aprehend or shoot and kill any perpetrators. Czechoslovakia 1963. (CTK Photo / Jiri Krulis) - special instructions - NO ARCHIVE, NO THIRD PARTY SALES
Photographer: Krulis Jiri
Date taken: 31 December 1963
Cold River: a survivor's story is about man's desire for freedom during a time when none existed. Jozef describes the village in which he grew up with such emotion and sadness that the reader can hear the snow ...
How do you get your screenwriting to Hollywood
The Man Who Would Be Beckett
Bill Irwin finds Beckett’s remarkable use of language something of a balm at a time when the use of words has grown so imprecise. “Our culture runs away from words,” he bemoaned. “It seems to me one of the things this language can do is help us reconnect with human intelligence, as distinct from artificial intelligence. A lot of Beckett’s language is a portrait of consciousness — of how the mind works.” – Los Angeles Times
How to make a book last for millennia
MIT News – Study of Dead Sea Scroll sheds light on a lost ancient parchment-making technology. “First discovered in 1947 by Bedouin shepherds looking for a lost sheep, the ancient Hebrew texts known as the Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the most well-preserved ancient written materials ever found. Now, a study by researchers at MIT and elsewhere elucidates a unique ancient technology for parchment making and provides new insights into possible methods to better preserve these precious historical documents.The study focused on one scroll in particular, known as the Temple Scroll, among the roughly 900 full or partial scrolls found in the years since that first discovery. The scrolls were found in jars hidden in 11 caves on the steep hillsides just north of the Dead Sea, in the region around the ancient settlement of Qumran, which was destroyed by the Romans about 2,000 years ago. The Temple Scroll is one of the largest (almost 25 feet long) and best-preserved of all the scrolls, even though its material is the thinnest of all of them (one-tenth of a millimeter, or roughly 1/250 of an inch thick). It also has the clearest, whitest writing surface of all the scrolls. These properties led Admir Masic, the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Department of Materials Science and Engineering faculty fellow in archaeological materials, and his collaborators to wonder how the parchment was made. The results of that study, carried out with former doctoral student Roman Schuetz (now at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science), MIT graduate student Janille Maragh, James Weaver from the Wyss Institute at Harvard University, and Ira Rabin from the Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing and Hamburg University in Germany, were published today in the journal Science Advances [full text no paywall]. They found that the parchment was processed in an unusual way, using a mixture of salts found in evaporites — the material left from the evaporation of brines — but one that was different from the typical composition found on other parchments…”The Girl Who Published Her First Novel At 12, And Then Disappeared At 25

Barbara Newhall Follett saw her first book – about a wild little girl who longs to be free from structures of brick and glass – published when she was 12. By the time she was 25, “Barbara began to feel her dreams slipping away to the familiar tune of work and domesticity. She still wrote, but her work was no longer in favour with publishers and the rejections hurt. And then, in 1939, on 7 December, Barbara Rogers, née Newhall Follett, walked out of the apartment she shared with her husband. She left no note, took only a few dollars and some shorthand notes. She was never seen again.” – The Guardian (UK)
Should You Really Go To A Book-Adapted Movie Before You Read The Book?
It’s an important question as The Goldfinch, based on a rather lengthy novel, hits theatres. And then … what about movies based on Stephen King books? “The more sophisticated the source material, the stronger the obligation felt: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl were mere airport novels, I told myself, so no pressure there.” – Los Angeles Times
Should Ghost Writers Speak Out Against Their Subjects?
“It’s like a lawyer: if you find that the person you’re representing is a murderer you can’t then go around bewailing
InsideHook – That DIY project you’ve been putting off for months just got a whole lot easier – “Need audio equipment to record a podcast? Want to make your own tagliatelle pasta? Lacking the right wire strippers to build your own quadcopter drone? The new Chicago Tool Library has your back, so you can explore your inner Leonardo DaVinci without having to buy and store gear you use once in a blue moon. Just launched this summer in Bridgeport, The Chicago Tool Library is a community-driven nonprofit organization that rents out donated tools. The inventory is stacked, ranging from power drills to masonry to woodworking to food-preparation hardware. To earn the right to check out gadgets, you just need to pay an annual fee set on a sliding scale: it’s $1 for every $1,000 you make in annual income. No surprise, you must also be a Chicago resident. Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and the library is located at 1048 W. 37th Street…”
See also: The West Philly Tool Library loans tools to community members so they can perform simple home maintenance, tend their yards and gardens, build furniture, start projects, and learn new skills in a safe and affordable manner.
InsideHook – That DIY project you’ve been putting off for months just got a whole lot easier – “Need audio equipment to record a podcast? Want to make your own tagliatelle pasta? Lacking the right wire strippers to build your own quadcopter drone? The new Chicago Tool Library has your back, so you can explore your inner Leonardo DaVinci without having to buy and store gear you use once in a blue moon. Just launched this summer in Bridgeport, The Chicago Tool Library is a community-driven nonprofit organization that rents out donated tools. The inventory is stacked, ranging from power drills to masonry to woodworking to food-preparation hardware. To earn the right to check out gadgets, you just need to pay an annual fee set on a sliding scale: it’s $1 for every $1,000 you make in annual income. No surprise, you must also be a Chicago resident. Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and the library is located at 1048 W. 37th Street…”
See also: The West Philly Tool Library loans tools to community members so they can perform simple home maintenance, tend their yards and gardens, build furniture, start projects, and learn new skills in a safe and affordable manner.