“I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.”
— Corazon Aquino”
“Life is generally meaningless beyond the choice we have to assign how meaningful it can be. I don’t fear death because I know this and therefore am able to live with peace of mind.
“Once upon a time in #Sicily, a true #mafia story”. After the announcement of the second season, our recommendation for a #noirsummer binge-watching is the first season of the Italian #tvseries “The Hunter – #IlCacciatore”. #summerviewing #euronoir#FrancescoMontanari pic.twitter.com/mw2Cw99TbE
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Via I learn of DETECt -- Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives -- which:
Thinking together is riddled with pitfalls," says Agnes Callard, "but we can’t really claim to live together without doing it. That is why we need devil’s advocates"... Anything Butt ((sik) sic Thinking
How gardening helped me heal after a personal tragedy – and can help you too Scroll
Venice: Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker’ Wins Golden Lion, Roman Polanski Wins Silver Lion Hollywood Reporter
From mind control to murder? How a deadly fall revealed the CIA’s darkest secrets Guardian
“Literature cannot always do its business of rendering an account of life. An age of genius not of the literary sort [c.2019] must go inadequately described unless there should happen to exist at the same time a literary genius of the same degree, who works in circumstances enabling him to accumulate the necessary information about his non-literary contemporaries.”
investigates the topics of identity and popular culture and aims to show how, from 1989 to the present, the transnational circulation of crime narratives from various European countries has contributed to the formation of a plural, shared European identity
Thinking together is riddled with pitfalls," says Agnes Callard, "but we can’t really claim to live together without doing it. That is why we need devil’s advocates"... Anything Butt ((sik) sic Thinking
How gardening helped me heal after a personal tragedy – and can help you too Scroll
Venice: Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker’ Wins Golden Lion, Roman Polanski Wins Silver Lion Hollywood Reporter
From mind control to murder? How a deadly fall revealed the CIA’s darkest secrets Guardian

August 19th Vera - Brno
Your eyes were shadowed from the past
experiences had not dispersed
but stood in you
Sentinels of a law of suffering
immovable from times
that you belonged to.
experiences had not dispersed
but stood in you
Sentinels of a law of suffering
immovable from times
that you belonged to.
Chorus: I might have touched the sadness in your eyes
brought it home with me
inside the heart feeding my body
brought it home with me
inside the heart feeding my body
In the strange time that freedom roamed the streets
your Czech home was deserted
with you laughing in the sun
But your home was shining with a harsh light
almost too strong for the feelings
so long now part of you.
your Czech home was deserted
with you laughing in the sun
But your home was shining with a harsh light
almost too strong for the feelings
so long now part of you.
You knew that I had entered through your eyes
through into that heavy world
that had never battered me
I stood still with you looking at the fear
the fear which gives life
a meaning in love that is serious.
through into that heavy world
that had never battered me
I stood still with you looking at the fear
the fear which gives life
a meaning in love that is serious.
Oppression awaited you, suppression
the tense ring of control
by power enforcing the past
You were then unknowing and beautiful
the world asleep
intelligent only in our hearts.
the tense ring of control
by power enforcing the past
You were then unknowing and beautiful
the world asleep
intelligent only in our hearts.
How Literature Was Deployed As Weapon In The Cold War
In the wake of the second world war, Russia and the West feared the domino effect of enfeebled countries like Albania falling into the clutches of imperialist capitalism or communism. Each side deployed literature as a frontline force in their struggle. – The Spectator
“Shakespeare, like all major writers, was never afraid of a good platitude, and he would certainly never have given time to deriding a character because his only attribute was a habit of stating the obvious. Polonius is interesting because he was a cunning old intriguer who, like an iceberg, only showed one-eighth of himself above the surface. The innocuous sort of worldly wisdom that rolled off his tongue in butter balls was a very small part of what he knew.”
“A habit of stating the obvious” is an essential truth-teller’s gift. As Orwell phrased it, “To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.” We confuse novelty with truth by condemning Polonius. He didn’t deserve to be collateral damage. West ranks Hamlet very high, as do I. She says the play is “as pessimistic as any great work of literature ever written,” and adds: