Thursday, February 06, 2003

Public Service Post: Premier Policeman Should Choose: The Job Or the Book

Washington Post columnist Marc Fisher believes Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose should not profit from his just-completed book deal while on the public payroll: Because he is still chief of police. Because it's unethical to profit from your work as a public servant while you are serving the public. Because Montgomery's Ethics Commission recently barred police officials from accepting even token lecture fees for talking about the sniper case. Because 10 people died. The chief reason the Ethics Commission should stop Moose is that it is unseemly for a public official to profit from his position while in office.
Rich acknowledges that the Post has already gotten an $85,000 for its book on the case-but 'Telling stories is our job in the news business -- and we do it for profit.' If Moose wants some of that coin, more power to him -- but only after he takes off the uniform.
· Thoughts: Money, Money, Money [Washingston Post]