Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Silenced Employee: A guide to the internet’s favorite generative AIs

 The Silenced Employee The Unconscious Manager

Australia’s wealthiest 1% are 61% richer than they were before the pandemic and have pocketed $150,000 a minute over the past decade, according to new analysis by Oxfam Australia.

The analysis was released on Monday to coincide with Oxfam’s global report on wealth disparity, Survival of the Richest, and the launch of this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Sw

Australia’s wealthiest 1% are 61% richer than they were before the pandemic and have pocketed $150,000 a minute over the past decade, according to new analysis by Oxfam Australia

 Childcare operators accused of ‘fake children’ fraud seek millions from AFP after case is dropped

The Ultrarich Are Getting Cozy in America’s Tax Havens Portside

‘Holy grail’ wheat gene discovery could feed our overheated world Guardian

Hacked! My Twitter user data is out on the dark web -- now what?

Your Twitter user data may now be out there too, including your phone number. Here's how to check and what you can do about it.

A guide to the internet’s favorite generative AIs Tech CrunchTech Crunch: “OpenAI this week signaled it’ll soon begin charging for ChatGPT, its viral AI-powered chatbot that can write essays, emails, poems and even computer code. In an announcement on the company’s official Discord server, OpenAI said that it’s “starting to think about how to monetize ChatGPT” as one of the ways to “ensure [the tool’s] long-term viability

Congrats, You’re a Member of Congress. Now Listen Up. Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy. Extracting the key point from all the verbiage: “The United States is now trying to inflict decisive defeats on two major powers simultaneously. We are trying to help Ukraine inflict a military defeat on Russia…. At the same time, we are trying to inflict an economic and technological defeat on China that will slow its rise and preserve U.S. dominance for decades to come.” Perspective: