Like Jana Wendt, Janine Perrett is also a Taurus ♉️
Update: Due to a COVID-19 interruption, Janine Perrett will no longer be hosting Media Watch tonight. Instead, Andy Park will present the bulletin at 9.15pm.
JANINE PERRETT returns to the MEDIA WATCH hosting chair tonight on ABC
Australians worried about online surveillance are demanding greater transparency and control over the use of their personal information which is shared with government and businesses.
According to the 2022 edition of the Deloitte Australian Privacy Index, consumers are looking for transparency, assurance and control.
Deloitte national privacy and data protection lead partner Daniella Kafouris said consumers had shared more personal data than ever during the Covid-19 pandemic.
‘Creepy’: Research reveals worst fears about sharing personal information online
Chief Justice Lucy McCallum of the ACT Supreme Court had every right and reason to do what she did, in the interests not just of the accused, Bruce Lehrmann, but all of us. So easily lost in the maelstrom of Me Too is the slightly subtle point that believing survivors is not the same thing as discarding the presumption of innocence
Twitter link Courtesy Janine Perrett @ Crikey
Barilaro scandal is capable of devouring the premier. If it goes ahead the opposition can ask each month what trade or investment deal he’s pulled off. Not lunches or cocktails but contracted outcomes. And FOI all expenses. This can’t survive: worse than Metherell.
DUBBO'S ambassador for Australia Day 2015, Janine Perret, said she was looking forward to her time in the city this coming Monday.
Currently known for her work as anchor of The Perrett Report on SKY NEWS Business and a regular panelist on Paul Murray LIVE, Janine said Dubbo was the top of her list of preferences when she was asked to be an ambassador.
Lies and Falsehoods – the politics of deception
Job for ex-Nats leader appears to raise the bar in favouritism
John Barilaro’s appointment as a trade envoy is so ethically dubious that it raises serious questions about the political judgment of its sponsors.
Aaron PatrickSenior correspondent“It has always been my ambition to ensure that the benefits of trade reach those who need it most,” NSW deputy premier John Barilaro wrote last year, when he proposed sending trade envoys overseas, “and we raise the bar for government to truly connect us to our potential”.
Barilaro’s success at winning one of his own jobs, which comes with a New York-based $500,000 package, suggests the former Queanbeyan carpet shop owner worked out how to use trade to maximise his own
Then-premier Gladys Berejiklian and Nationals leader John Barilaro in 2019. Janie Barrett
Politicians are entitled to careers after public life. Lobbying registers would be threadbare without their advocacy skills and bureaucratic knowledge.
But the appointment of a senior politician by his former colleagues to such a lucrative position seems so ethically dubious that it raises serious questions about the political judgment of its sponsors.
For the seven years that Barilaro, a former Nationals leader, was a member of the NSW cabinet, until his sudden and unexpected resignation last October, he was one of those hard-to-take-seriously-but-successful ministers that state politics throws up.
One journalist once described one of his press conferences as “barely comprehensible”. Barilaro didn’t pretend to approach government expenditure like a public-policy purist. He took pride in being dubbed Pork-ilaro, which to him was evidence of serving country communities.
Sans savoir faire
Last Friday, at 4.03pm, his trade minister successor, Liberal Stuart Ayres, disclosed Barilaro had been hired as a “senior trade and investment commissioner” to the Americas.
Barilaro, whose go-to function centre was the Queanbeyan Hotel, isn’t the kind of guy to hang out in the boardrooms of the Fortune 500, wowing American CEOs with Sydney savoir faire.
Smooth he is not. Organisation isn’t one of his strengths. He once missed a Sunday-evening television interview because he ran out of fuel driving from his country home to the city. Later, he lost his licence after being caught speeding and using a phone while driving a ministerial car.
The Sydney Morning Herald reported this week the appointment wasn’t approved by cabinet and a shortlist of candidates last year was discarded and the job readvertised.
The Labor opposition plans public hearings to investigate. The man in question may get a chance to explain his side of the story.
“We want to know what the process was,” Labor MP Penny Sharpe said this week. “We want to know what he thinks his qualifications are.”
Even if the hiring was entirely appropriate, the Coalition government has created the perception of gross favouritism.
In doing so, it has rekindled memories of some of the worst aspects of NSW politics just as the state was starting to appreciate Premier Dominic Perrottet’s and Treasurer Matt Kean’s new political approach.
Over such mistakes, governments are defeated.
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