Thursday, June 03, 2021

Three Geminis celebrating in Brisvegas: Naomi Osaka stunned the tennis world by withdrawing from the French Open over press rules

No wonder we are doing so well: “The number of Master’s and Doctoral degree holders more than doubled (in the US) from 2000 to 2018.”

Famous economists’ grave sites

 “Measured intelligence did not predict increased mate appeal in either study, whereas perceived intelligence and funniness did.”  Speculative.

Can a Robot Be Arrested? Hold a Patent? Pay Income Taxes?

Public servants as courtiers rather than stewards

Phil Gaetjens, former Treasury official, former boss of Scott Morrison’s private office and now head of the Prime Minister’s Department is an unusual public servant who seems to have accepted that he is never going to be regarded as any sort of detached public servant independent of the government of the day. ... 

COMMUNIST FRONT CORPORATION: Huawei ex-director on trial in Poland on China spying charge.“According to the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, the indictment is partly classified, but its public section alleges that Wang is a Chinese intelligence agent and from 2011-2019 sought high-ranking contracts for Huawei that would give the Chinese company insight into, and influence over, state and local government data systems in Poland.”

Meanwhile: GOP senators oppose Biden intelligence nominee who did legal work for Huawei.

THEY CAN’T CREATE, SO THEY MUST TEAR DOWN:  Books – We Go to the Gallery by Miriam Elia.

They think that’s creative and fun and “artistic.”  In the end all they do is reflect their inner emptiness into eternal nihilism.

OH DEAR. OUR SHOCKED FACE ARE GETTING WORN OUT:  Fauci Emails Show U.S. Scientists Knew COVID Looked “Engineered” Only Days Before Insisting The Virus Was “Natural”.

 From masks to the origins of COVID, Anthony Fauci is a liar and a fraud.

Anyone with a mental illness is watching Naomi Osaka’s treatment unfold in horror

Naomi Osaka stunned the tennis world by withdrawing from the French Open over press rules