Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Devil's Diary: All the Things We Never Knew

“Many times he has entered prison. Many times he has smelled that scent of stale, confined humanity; has felt the air, thick with the heat of hundreds of bodies…Every time, panic threatens to rise within him. Every time, he shudders…Reminds himself that unlike these others, he gets to walk out. But not this time. The guard behind him chuckles. ‘You’re not going to find many friends in here, Maasai. You’d better learn to sleep with your eyes open.”
~In this quotation of just eighty words from the first page of Hell’s Gate, author Richard Crompton establishes the prison setting, its sights, sounds and smells, its fraught atmosphere, the state of mind of the prisoner, his cultural background, the antagonistic attitude of the guard, and the guard’s triumphant, even delighted, threatening of his prisoner.  

Plus a revealing look back at competing 1980 election messages from an earlier, funnier Onion.

Let Sleeping Politicians Lie All Down Under

THE KREMLIN ADMITS that Snowden is a Russian agent

Credlin on Agent Abbott: They aint seen anything yet Peta unleashed on Turnbulls hapless set of bedwetters

Alleged Skype Terrorist Hamdi Alqudsi wanted details about toilets - water no toilet paper

Edna O'Brien has written often about love and beauty. In her new novel - maybe her last - she turns her attention toward evil ...  Evil Diary

Most people know who Hitler was, but many do not know the man who gave Hitler some of his worst ideas. The “ideologue/philosopher” behind Hitler was Alfred Rosenberg, an Estonian who embraced the Aryan race myth. Robert K. Wittman and David Kinney have written a book, The Devil’s Diary, about Rosenberg and the search for his diary following its disappearance after World War II. A groundbreaking World War II narrative wrapped in a riveting detective story

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meet privately in Phoenix before Benghazi report ABC15 (Li). It is totally improper for a prosecutor to have a social visit with the spouse of a party under investigation.

“Gloating Farage tells EU: Most of you have never done a proper job in your lives.”

If February 3, 1959, was the day the music died, October 15, 2004, was the day late-night comedy died How Jon Stewart killed late night comedy

Obeid: Latest face in gallery of shame

You’d have to be drunk or stoned to take a cab to a bank robbery and to have it wait for you while you did the deed, right? Right! This gent was drunk!
Latest Face of Bank Roberry

[YOU can only speak to what you experienced outside several seconds after your coworker entered the building, but several seconds before YOU yourself reached your cubicle. YOU do not know if it is in fact still raining out. YOU say nothing and are forever plagued by the unknowable nature of the immediate present.]” These short existentialist plays starring you and your coworkers are sure to stir up some feelings of gloom, doom, and familiarity.

The cheats who are poisoning Britain

There’s nothing better than a big, lofty project to work on: something that energizes the office and brings them together. Whenever such a project comes along, you need to inspire the level of teamwork that creates a final result that’s greater than the sum of its parts.
It Takes a Village: Game of Thrones Infographic 
“Of course the evening ends with Abbi and Ilana in the bath, together, passing their ‘weed’ from one mouth to another. But I am chilled, less comforted somehow. How are these people anything less than confused, every hour of every day? How on earth, how in all of Eros, do women know which vote to cast, which life to elect as their own?” The Diary of Anaïs Nin While Watching Broad City courtesy of Laura Eppinger at The Rumpus

VICE News Reveals the Terrorism Blacklist Secretly Wielding Power Over the Lives of Millions Vice 

Terrorism Blacklist: I have a copy. Should it be shared? reddit 

C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say NYT. Shocked, shocked

FastCoExist, June 2016. A survey of global business ethics violations found that the companies that break the law are the companies that pressure their employees to violate institutional norms.


Under pressure from Presbyterians, RE/MAX announces it will no longer profit from sales of Jewish settlements MondoWeiss

"There's A Standoff Between States And The Feds Over Illegal Execution Drugs; It's been nearly a year since the federal government seized thousands of vials of lethal injection drugs on their way to death penalty states; The states want their drugs, and neither side is showing signs of backing down": Chris McDaniel of BuzzFeed News has this report.

Elizabeth Spayd, incoming New York Times public editor: ‘I’m not there to make friends’ Have you ever attempted to write rhyming poetry? The TED-Ed team has crafted a lesson to examine “the rhythm of language” and “the pleasure of poetic patterns.”

The video embedded above features references to William Shakespeare’s writing, the Where’s Waldo series, and an Eninem song. Over at the TED-Ed website, viewers can access a quiz, a discussion board, and more resources.
For more learning and fun, check out these TED-Ed videos on “how to write fiction that comes alive,” the hero’s journey, and the oxford comma. Who’s your favorite poet?

Posner v. Scalia – The Final Round “I regard the posthumous encomia for Scalia as absurd” http://joshblackman.com/blog/2016/06/2

Justice Felix Frankfurter was many things: an early columnist for the New Republic, a co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, an immigrant who had a tremendous impact on his adoptive country, and a person named Frankfurter who narrowly missed having a colleague named Burger (though not, so far as I know, a frankfurtier of any renown himself). And he was also an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, in which capacity, in a 1939 decision, he formalized a hitherto inchoate legal rule he poetically named the “fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine.” Sonia Sotomayor likes books and is a hero 

Can I be honest with you for a minute here? These colloquially updated Bible passages at The Toast are pretty funny. You could also read a brief history of colloquial titles

[The Boys] played at birds, they played at lions.  They went through phases: dinosaurs, trucks, Thundercats, kung fu, lying, sport. There was very little division between their imaginary and real worlds, and people talked of coping mechanisms and normal childhood and time. Many people said ‘You need time,’ when what we needed was washing powder, nit shampoo, football stickers, batteries, bows, arrows, bows, arrows.”—Dad, early in the grieving process after the loss of his wife. 

For those willing to pay a little more for their morning coffee, a café will be opening in Geneva, Switzerland offering its customers oral sex while they sip their latte…
According to the Mirror Online, Charvet told the Swiss newspaper, Le Matin, recently that the new Geneva café would be modeled on similar establishments in Thailand. According to Charvet, the oral sex café would add a new dimension to thesex trade in Geneva.
Basically, what it would all entail is men would walk into the café and order a coffee. While they are waiting the customers will be offered an iPad to select the prostitute they prefer to have perform oral sex on them. The men will then sit and relax at the bar, sip their coffee, and enjoy the ride.
Here is the article, via Todd Kliman.  Alternatively,Barnes & Noble soon will be wining and dining its customers

The Democrats on the House Benghazi committee released their final conclusions from the inquiry into attacks on Americans in that Libyan city ...
/ But the redaction marks are easily erased by anyone able to use a computer’s cut-and-paste function/
Congressional Censure and “No Confidence” Votes Regarding Public Officials. Jack Maskell, Legislative Attorney; Richard S. Beth, Specialist on the Congress and Legislative Process. June 23, 2016.
“The House and the Senate have, from time to time in the past, proposed and—on some occasions—adopted a resolution which has expressed the body’s disapproval, condemnation, censure, or lack of confidence regarding a particular official in the executive branch of the federal government. Such actions have not been considered as part of the express impeachment authority of the House with in the Constitution (nor the authority to try such impeachments in the Senate), nor have t hey generally been considered as either part of the inherent contempt authority of either house of Congress or the express constitutional authority of each house of Congress to discipline its own Members. Rather, such actions seem to be in the nature of a “sense of the House” or a “sense of the Senate” resolution, whereby a simple resolution is proposed and adopted by one house of Congress, without the concurrence of the other house of Congress, and without a requirement for a “presentment” to the President (as would be required of a “bill”). Such simple resolutions adopted by one house (or concurrent resolutions adopted by both houses) have come to be recognized by parliamentarians as a vehicle to express the opinion and sense of Congress on a nonlegislative matter; and “sense of” the House, Senate, or Congress resolutions concerning a wide range of subjects have been used frequently in the past by the House and Senate. The adoption of a simple or concurrent resolution expressing the House’s or Senate’s “censure,” “condemnation,” or “no confidence” in a particular officer of the federal government does not have any immediate or binding legal import, but does express a particular moral judgment and may have both symbolic as well as political implications…”

It’s traditional that election time in Canberra brings out the road lobbies who ask for ‘all that extra cash’ which governments raise from fuel excise to be ‘put back into our roads’. The problem is that the facts no longer bear this out. Australia is spending more on roads than it collects from fuel excise and vehicle registrations. It is going into more and more debt to build roads. What is worse, it appears that official figures are being fudged to obscure this inconvenient truth from scrutiny – lest it get in the way of more promises for more and more multi-billion dollar road projects. Continue reading 

Minister airs dirty laundry of departing chief’s diarchy demand