Monday, November 03, 2014

There will always be evil

There will always be evil, and it is (media dragons') job no to turn away.
~ Kate McClymont SMH dragon ---

“As journalists we should have the courage to act for more than the lofty notion of freedom of speech. We have a duty to be the voice of the powerless in our society, to stand up for them. This should be why we do our job. The money is crap (mostly), the hours are long and the stress can be excruciating,” she said.

Kate-McClymont-dinkus1-234x350Leading investigative journalist Kate McClymont has criticised the federal government’s new anti-terror laws describing elements of the recently passed legislation as “repugnant” and arguing it is a “great concern” that there is no “public interest” exception.
The former Gold Walkley winner made the remarks during her keynote speech at the Andrew Olle Lecture in Sydney last night telling the audience that society should protect the public right to know and that it was “vital” that a public interest exemption be added to the new laws Kate McClymont 2014 andrew olle media lecture