Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Power, Money, Gospel ... According to Mark

"Power, Money, Persuasion, Supplication, Persecution--these can lift at a colossal humbug,--push it a little--crowd it a little--weaken it a little, century by century: but only Laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of Laughter nothing can stand."
~ Mark Twain, "Chronicle of Young Satan" (courtesy of Tim Hulsey)

New: Self-Published Books Are Now Outselling Traditional Publisher

Hugh Howey
“Indie authors are outselling the big five. That’s the entire big five. Combined. Indie and small-press books account for half of the ebook sales in the most popular and bestselling genres on Amazon,” writes Howey in his report, which has been described as “the most penetrating, ground-breaking, explosive article about publishing in memory.” The revolution behind Cold Rivers

It doesn’t matter how you publish. It matters, though, that we’re all together in this, and not shitty toward each other, and not hunkering down into our little cults and camps, our factions and followings. It matters that we can all do better and that we strive for that, with every day, every word, every story, every iteration of publication that we choose to embrace Imrich Self publishing truisms

We Won’t Stop Until We Have A History Of Everything

“We’ve had histories of conversation, boredom, shit, death, breasts, penises, tasting, happiness, smiling, laughing, celibacy, masturbation, taking out the trash, obsession, collective joy, and sadness” – and now sleep...