Thursday, August 08, 2013

Once a Media Dragon, Always a Writing Dragon. Start Now!

The tangle of self-promotion in publishing: social media and humiliation is the name of the game. In a nutshell, publishing a book, like Cold River: an escape across the Iron Curtain, is an exercise in terror. Hell is self-promotion

Great or not so great writing is one of those things that help you bring out your inner emotions, lets you vent out and feel lighter. When it comes to this, starting your own blog is a great option. It is simple, requires no investment and is really easy! It lets you communicate with so many people all over the world which you might never know otherwise. You get that precious chance to meet like-minded souls. Plus, it boosts your confidence like nothing else. Knowing you are a writer and someone can merely click on a link and read your thoughts is pretty cool! To be an effective curator of valuable content, and to keep creating interesting blog posts yourself, you need to constantly seek out fresh ideas about art, life and anything that makes this life of earth worth waking up to. Firstly you need friends like Christopher and they do not need to be Polish, you could befriend Australians like Steve or Peter W ... Once a Blogger, Always a Blogger. Start Now!
~~~ Amazing Artiste

Senior U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf made national news recently when he published a post on his blog about the frequent irrelevancy of the Supreme Court. "A lot of what the Supreme Court does is simply irrelevant to what federal trial judges do on a daily basis," Blogger Kopf

If I’m not writing,” says Kelly Diels, founder of the popular site Cleavage, “that’s when you know I’m truly in trouble When Media Dragons Go Dark ...

The latest Technorati research reports that blogs, bloggers, and influencers rank very high with consumers on trust, popularity, and influence despite the fact that brands are not spending proportionately to their impact. Blogs actually rank among the top five for “most trustworthy” sources, outweighing Twitter in shaping opinion and Facebook for impacting purchase decision. Bloggers Are People, Too