Monday, October 08, 2012

Moonshine, Karlovy Vary, Utopias and Spas

Everywhere in Bohemia Utopias are possible Such as Ontario or zameNske spa...

The Castle Spa is located in the heart of the Carlsbad spa area, in the vicinity of the Market and the Hot Spring Colonnade... The first project of a spa facility designed in the style of architectonic modernism was prepared in Karlovy Vary on the threshold of World War I, i.e. at the peak of bloom of the development and the "Golden Age" of the town. The building of a unique complex of the Castle Colonnades commenced in the very heart of the spa zone, where the most precious Carlsbad springs rise from the ground. One of the fundamental ideas of the new structure was to connect the colonnade leading around the Upper Castle Spring with the Market Colonnade, and thereby, to build a worthy abode for the ruler of all Carlsbad springs, who has been safeguarding all the natural curative resources for next generations at this site. Here Russians have facelifts and all kinds of other mmedical procedures performed and debates about diet rages in every spa :-)

PS: The death toll due to illegal alcohol use in the Czech Republic has climbed to 28 with the latest fatality reported in the village of Borzice-u-Blatnice. Last month the country’s health authorities introduced a sweeping ban on the sale of strong liquor in the wake of a wave of poisonings from drinking vodka and rum laced with methanol, the biggest such incidence registered in the past three decades. Moonshine is called rotgut for a reason

Oliver Wendell Holmes described the camera as a “mirror with a memory.” At that time, photography was not yet routine; a single picture could capture a person for life. 10000 images of one trip ...