Thursday, April 17, 2008

As someone who's checked the Drudge Report once an hour, every hour for the last 10 years of my life, I can certainly accept the idea that the sites I read and like has to do with habit, as opposed to just content…
For everyone who does research in physical stores and then orders from Amazon, the e-tailer has a new solution: purchase-by-text-message. Their newly-launched TextBuyIt lets anyone with a mobile phone set up for text messaging and an Amazon account search the Amazon database for product and price information, and buy-by-phone if they wish. You can text-search by keyword or ISBN/UPC code. Another text service allows you to use your mobile phone (or computer) to send money to another mobile number or e-mail address Buy Cold River on the Fly - This is a book that will remind you why you treasure freedom ...

Masters of ambiguity Blog Without Leaving Facebook
S ix Apart and Facebook have teamed on a new service called Blog It that lets any blog posted to Facebook automatically be posted to other blogging platforms including Movable Type, TypePad, Pownce, Twitter, Blogger, and WordPress (see complete list below).

What makes Blog It unique is the nature of how it works. Traditionally, Facebook allows users to import data and information around the Web to Facebook. Blog It now flips this process around allowing you to export content. The beauty of the service is rather than updating each blog service individually, you can do it all at once from within Facebook

Separation of Six ; [ A Cross Platform Blogging Tool from Six Apart ; As someone who's checked the Drudge Report once an hour, every hour for the last 10 years of my life, I can certainly accept the idea that the sites I read and like has to do with habit, as opposed to just content. Blog Reading: Kind Of Like Getting A Nicotine Fix: Study]
• · Surprise is too weak a word. I was expecting to attract the Austen aficionados, but what ended up being even more commercial were the words book club. Book clubs are an astonishingly burgeoning movement -- it's quite wonderful. American author Fowler explores crime in the blog era ; When the Ex Blogs, the Dirtiest Laundry Is Aired
• · Sorry for being slow to mention this (I've been on holiday for two weeks) but the good news is that after a gap of nearly two years - two years! - Fafblog returns from its cyber-silence to thrill us once again with its blend of humour and more humour. That's going straight into the blogroll. World's best blog returns ; One person from IRS.GOV visited the Nation Builder blog for nearly 20 hours over the last two days. Hopefully it's a future Joseph Banister. Several others from IRS.GOV, DOJ.GOV and .MIL domains also visited. IRS Agents Visit Nation Builder Blog
• · · FOREIGN POLICY Blog Honored as Industry’s Best ; OMG! 'Gossip Girl' returns with more surprises, juicier drama
• · · · Last Saturday, a Moscow magazine named Moskovsky Korrespondent published a sensational article claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin had divorced his middle-aged wife, Ludmila, and was preparing to marry a gorgeous 24-year-old Olympic gymnast-turned-topless magazine model-turned-Duma-deputy, Alina Kabaeva. The Scary Story Behind the Putin Sex Scandal ; In 1998, Matt Drudge became famous for reporting the White House sex scandal between then-president Bill Clinton and intern Monica Lewinsky on his blog, I'm in ur website, reading ur blog
• · · · · What have you always wanted to know about sex, dating, relationships and the opposite sex? What confuses you? Titillates you? Intrigues you The Rules: ancient or acceptable?; No two ways about it Writer's story rattles Lonely Planet contributors
• · · · · · Bored by movies, and don’t feel like reading a book? You can watch philosophical and other interesting videos on web. Online videos of philosophical lectures ; The "95 Theses of Geek Activism" is a great list of 95 ways to use knowledge for good, and to defend freedom with technology. When arguing with people who disagree, be polite, but not condescending.