Monday, March 21, 2005

Why, with eight million bloggers, does the MSM remain the one to define Blogs, Blogging, and Bloggers to the world? Can we not organize a presentation outside the hallowed halls of the sphere? Citizen Blogger

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Magnificent Obsession
I tell them why it is such a good quote, and exactly what it means to me and the book

Jonathan Harr, the author of A Civil Action, spent eight harrowing years plowing through a stack of legal documents as high as a three-story building, and nearly went broke in the process. Posing what he calls “the dumbest questions in the world,” Richard Ben Cramer conducted more than 1,000 interviews to research What It Takes: The Way to the White House. For Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc immersed herself in the love lives of drug dealers, while Ted Conover actually went to prison — as a guard — for Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing.

In fact, each writer’s sensibility — Michael Lewis’s ironic worldview, Eric Schlosser’s muckraking zeal, Alex Kotlowitz’s empathy for the unfortunate — is part of what he (or, in rare instances, she) is selling.
New new journalism: Boynton [via Joi Ito Blogger denied entry by DHS - "Blogging ain't a job"; Michael Froomkin of has a real problem with the ledes in may news stories these days: Back in or on the way out?]
• · Journalists belong in the gutter becase that is where the ruling classes throw their guilty secrets. - Gerald Priestland, British broadcaster. BBC Radio, 19 May 1988 Tagging gutters: 'Folksonomies' to Organize the News ; Blogger moves on: In another case of a blogger getting to find her dream job, Jade Walker of 'Blog of Death' and more has taken a job on the AP's Web site Farewell, My Friends; Hello, AP
• · · Australia is to get its first monthly mass-market News and current affairs magazine; I was happily surprised by last year's blog reader survey. This year's survey continues the trajectory of happy surprises. As Trent Lott and Howell Raines learned, the blogosphere's numerous voices can capture and amplify ideas that are too complex or contrary for traditional organizations to see or speak Howard Dean, Dan Rather, George Bush, Eason Jordan and Jeff Gannon ; Blogging, Journalism and Credibility Jay Rosen
• · · · Her last marriage, to Mr Stokes, ended 10 years ago Media Billionaire's ex-wife earns $17 an hour as shop assistant ; Joel Achenbach has thoughtful things to say about women bloggers and journalists Women on the Op-Ed Page ; Blog Sisters ; Blog Misses: MS Magazine
• · · · · Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee block an investigation into how Gannon/Guckert got daily access to the White House Another pass for Gannon; Members of Congress wasted hours and hours by grabbing hold of a phony issue and refusing to let go Congress Invites Confusion to Its Session ; It's said, often and rightly, that reporters aren't big on good news. There’s something we hate even more: a Big Bad Trend that goes away, or worse, gets fixed. It's possible -- just possible -- that is precisely what's happening with the corporate crime wave that dominated financial news for the past four years. CEO Predators Tamed?;
• · · · · · via Doc Searls: So just as blogging transforms who is involved in journalism, might it not also transform who is involved in marketing? Today's paper is tomorrow's fishwrap ; LocalBrand Ambassador Blogger