Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.
- Pericles, 430 BC

Politics Compassionate/noncompassionate conservatism

Here is a good example of the difference between compassionate conservatives and the old-fashioned kind. An old-fashioned conservative won't fund programs to protect abused and endangered kids because it's not government's job and damn it, this isn't some kind of nanny state that takes care of every crack baby and hard-luck case that comes down the pike. Survival of the fittest; no handouts; roll with the punches, kid.
A compassionate conservative says we won't give money to programs to protect abused and endangered kids because it's time to think outside the box. Find a new paradigm. Be more effective. This isn't about kids; it's about bureaucracy. Then he'll schedule a photo-op with a private program that helps a handful of kids while refusing to adequately fund the state system.
Much more caring. Nicer press. Same results.
Compassionate conservative Jeb Bush won't spend money for more case workers at the Div. of Children and Families. Too many damn social workers already. (See here, where he talks about fixing a dysfunctional system by pushing the problem to local sheriff' offices (and local taxpayers, heh-heh) and private agencies that are no doubt just waiting in the wings to take over this thankless job.)
Hesiod isn't buying the buying the bullshit and works up a good rant.

· Final Result [Lane]

Values & Ethics

The issues Moore has raised - including guns, government corruption, and the loss of community values in the face of corporate might - are vital. In opening those dialogues, no matter how populist his methods, Moore has opened the gates for other social commentators to enter.
HIH is the yarn today, but what's the real, long-term solution to the collapse of ethics among big-end-of-town accountants, lawyers and actuaries? They're the professionals involved who are meant to have duties separate to those of the companies they service. Higher duties. The workability of current practice - that they work directly for the companies that pay them - relies on strong professional ethics, and the enforcement thereof by peers and their professional associations. That's broken down. Conflicts of interest aren't even recognised as such these days. How can we repair the damage?
· Community Values [SMH]
· Community Ethics [Web Diary SMH]