WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? Secret Government report warns over 48 British Islamic schools are teaching intolerance and misogyny to future imams
A 72-year-old Frenchman has completed a trans-Atlantic voyage from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean in a barrel-shaped capsule, using nothing but ocean currents.
E.H. Carr and the fate of facts. “By and large, the historian will get the kind of facts he wants. History means interpretation” Interpretation
'Swipe-match-marry': the Muslim dating app
Muzmatch has more than a million members worldwide and has led to weddings in 190 different countries between 25,000 people.
Does What I’m Doing Right Now Count As Writing?

Making lists of ideas, reading novels, scheduling time to sit down at your computer, researching new coffee shops at which to work, and establishing weekly word goals may seem like parts of writing, but they are not. They are procrastination, which, if you think about it, is actually writing in its purest form. – The New Yorker
Data Isn’t ‘Truth’ Forbes
Follow up to my previous posting on April 6, 2019 – Report – Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ – Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’ – via The Atlantic – “Entrants in this year’s contest were invited to submit images that showcase Earth’s biodiversity and show some of the mounting threats to the natural world. These images originally appeared on bioGraphic, an online magazine about science and sustainability and the official media sponsor for the California Academy of Sciences’ BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition. The organizers were kind enough to share some of the winners and finalists here, selected from nearly 6,500 entries. The captions were written by the bioGraphic editorial staff, and lightly edited for style…”
More markets in everything: “The Newest Trend in Bars: No Booze.” And chess coat rack, with a Caro-Kann position.
A world run with code?
Oliver Sacks on Libraries
In praise of intellectual freedom, community, and the ecstasy of serendipitous discovery.
“Knowledge sets us free, art sets us free. A great library is freedom,” Ursula K. Le Guin wrote as she celebrated the sacredness of public libraries. “A library is a rainbow in the clouds,” Maya Angelou exulted in reflecting on how a library saved her life. It was thanks to the library that James Baldwin read his way from Harlem to the literary pantheon. “You never know what troubled little girl needs a book,” Nikki Giovanni wrote in one of her lovely poems celebrating libraries and librarians.
BRIDE AND PREJUDICE SERIES NOT A DOCUMENTARY - NO FILM PRODUCER CERTIFICATE - Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Screen Australia [2019] AATA 798
The AAT has affirmed a decision of Screen Australia not to issue a film producer certificate for the Bride and Prejudice series as it was not considered to be a documentary.
The Seven Network applied for a film producer certificate under s 376-65 of the ITAA 1997 for the Bride and Prejudice television series. The central issue was whether the series was a "documentary" as defined in s 376-25.
The series, which consisted of 8 episodes, involved tracing the ups and downs of the marriage plans of 5 couples of whom 3 were heterosexual and 2 were same sex. Each couple faced opposition to the marriage from at least one parent, on the basis of race bias, religion, general opposition to same sex unions, concern about age difference or, in one case, concern that the couple was too young to marry. All the marriages except one went ahead.
The AAT decided that the series was not a "creative treatment of actuality" and therefore did not fall within the definition of "documentary" in s 376-25. According to the AAT, the series did not "demonstrate original thought or expression", none of the interviews in the series involved "events explored creatively" and the subject matter was not "explored critically or in an original way". ( Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Screen Australia [2019] AATA 798 , AAT, File No 2018/1940, Rayment DP, 1 May 2019.)
BRIDE AND PREJUDICE SERIES NOT A DOCUMENTARY - NO FILM PRODUCER CERTIFICATE - Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Screen Australia [2019] AATA 798
The AAT has affirmed a decision of Screen Australia not to issue a film producer certificate for the Bride and Prejudice series as it was not considered to be a documentary.
The Seven Network applied for a film producer certificate under s 376-65 of the ITAA 1997 for the Bride and Prejudice television series. The central issue was whether the series was a "documentary" as defined in s 376-25.
The series, which consisted of 8 episodes, involved tracing the ups and downs of the marriage plans of 5 couples of whom 3 were heterosexual and 2 were same sex. Each couple faced opposition to the marriage from at least one parent, on the basis of race bias, religion, general opposition to same sex unions, concern about age difference or, in one case, concern that the couple was too young to marry. All the marriages except one went ahead.
The AAT decided that the series was not a "creative treatment of actuality" and therefore did not fall within the definition of "documentary" in s 376-25. According to the AAT, the series did not "demonstrate original thought or expression", none of the interviews in the series involved "events explored creatively" and the subject matter was not "explored critically or in an original way". ( Seven Network (Operations) Limited and Screen Australia [2019] AATA 798 , AAT, File No 2018/1940, Rayment DP, 1 May 2019.)