~ Reinhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American (Czechoslovak) History - [the root of the word for migration and US is Imrich it stands for Amerika ]

Lightning flashes behind a Qantas plane. Photo taken from
Ford Madox Ford, not related to John Ford, writes in the essay from 1924: “The ambition of the writer as writer is to cast light; to make clear. His purpose is to make man, above all, clear to his fellow men: the purpose of the Intelligentsia is to suppress all such illuminations as do not conduce to rendering more attractive their own special class.”
Women under increasing pressure to read media dragons Daily Mash
Most webpages die after a couple of months. The average lifespan is something like 100 days. That's longer than it used to be. How Many Websites Are There on the Internet?
The future ain't what it used to be. You may have noticed that it is 30 years since Back to the Future, one of the seminal 1980s movies for people aged about 35 to 40, was released. It was seminal partly because it painted a picture of what the future might hold for them. It was by no means guaranteed rosy, which must have been hard if you were still sucking your thumb. Still, it had its upside. Ronald Reagan was US President and he thought it was terrific, probably because it mentioned him. He didn't mind that the joke was on him. Part II of 1989 failed to predict the fall of kommunism and the rise of terrorism, bute technology wise it was spot on about the social media dragons ...
Back to-the future hits the October 21 2015 milestone and it is all rather familiar
The dangerous art of the ultimate selfie BBC Amazing pics...
That glorious mountain coined the Crown (aka Nipple) of the Capertee 26 Sep 2015 AD ... |
Australian scientists have created ink that can remember
vast amounts of information. The memory ink can be printed on to surfaces by an
inkjet printer. Memory ink clear pointer to
My colleague former librarian Jeff Bezos sues 1000 fake Amazon digital River reviewers
This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about world of civilisation and poverty. "the Joy of Tax" by Professor Richard Murphy represents the best that taxation has to offer.”
Amazon.com Review of Joy of Tax
The Atlantic – If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can, by Adrienne LaFrance, October 14, 2015: “If a sprawling Pulitzer Prize-nominated feature in one of the nation’s oldest newspapers can disappear from the web, anything can. “There are now no passive means of preserving digital information,” said Abby Rumsey, a writer and digital historian. In other words if you want to save something online, you have to decide to save it. Commentary – the web is not a library, repository, a place
My colleague former librarian Jeff Bezos sues 1000 fake Amazon digital River reviewers
"What we do know is, had the reporters checked their facts, the story they published would have been a lot less sensational, a lot more balanced, and, let’s be honest, a lot more boring. It might not have merited the front page, but it would have been closer to the truth." Carney’s post addresses information provided by multiple sources and says the reporters on the story didn’t allow Amazon to review critical anecdotes provided to the newspaper. Read more
This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about world of civilisation and poverty. "the Joy of Tax" by Professor Richard Murphy represents the best that taxation has to offer.”
Amazon.com Review of Joy of Tax
The Atlantic – If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can, by Adrienne LaFrance, October 14, 2015: “If a sprawling Pulitzer Prize-nominated feature in one of the nation’s oldest newspapers can disappear from the web, anything can. “There are now no passive means of preserving digital information,” said Abby Rumsey, a writer and digital historian. In other words if you want to save something online, you have to decide to save it. Commentary – the web is not a library, repository, a place