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Chemical research
When a book changes your mind, it doesn’t just inspire or influence your thinking. It alters the way you see yourself and your place in the world... Books & Rivers that Changed you Forever ...
Canadian Parliament member Justin Trudeau Releases Common Ground, a Memoir Taking a Page Out of the Obama Playbook
“One writes a repellent book not to be repellent but to represent the repellent, to expose it, to reveal how it looks.” Roth rereads Portnoy's Complaint...As You Do ...
What an 18th-century hellfire preacher taught Marilynne Robinson about metaphysics, aesthetics, transcendence Complexity of our Taxing Lives with or without Liz or John & their little towers
Our bladders, our destinies. William James called free will “the whole sting and excitement” of life. Can something so central hinge on having to pee?... Some elements tend to rise to the top ...
Mantras and codes, supplicatory rituals, rites and sacrifices: What does it take to fend off writer’s block? For Sven Birkerts, merely an afternoon on a bench in Central Park... Free Flows