Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Power of Touch @ Easter: Out of Cold River & Sea

The true message of Easter is not one of sweetness The realities of Easter Cardinal George Pell; THE Easter message of redemption and renewal, even in the wake of despair, betrayal and death, is one we can all take time to embrace in a spiritual or secular fashion -- or both

It's no secret that a pat on the back or a peck on the cheek can make you feel special. But experts now say that the right kind of touch can lower your blood pressure, improve your outlook, and even make you better at math. Here's how to turn up the tactile in your life The Art Touching

Julian Assange “excites opposition” among journalists because “he shames us”, reckons veteran Australian reporter John Pilger, who has become a friend and vocal supporter of the embattled WikiLeaks founder. Assange had “done an extraordinary thing”, Pilger told a packed house at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in Bali. “He set out to find out what great power and government and vested interests say in private, as opposed to what they say in public.” Pilger on Assange